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Botanic Garden

Denis and I went to a botanic garden yesterday. It… was… AWESOME!

Here are some pictures of some of the cool things we saw:

They had a “living wall” that was planted with sedums.

They had a vegetable garden that had big old artichoke plants growing in it. The artichoke flowers were opening. They look like giant thistles.

There was a rose garden. We had just missed seeing a wedding reception there. That was a good thing though, because it gave us a chance to walk the rose garden to smell as many varieties as we could. I didn’t find any scent that knocked my socks off, but the flower colors were outstanding.

I was excited to see magnolia trees in bloom. I love how their flowers smell.

I was also excited to see ginkgo trees. I planted one in my back yard in Baltimore. The fan-shaped leaves were a happy sight.

The botanic garden had many lawn areas that people were picnicking in. It was pleasant to see them there.

There were LOTS of honeybees there. I love honeybees!

What a great outing! We walked a LOT, which was so good. I have not been doing much exercise in the last few months, and it is catching up with me. Ugh. Yesterday I not only exercised, I enjoyed it!


  1. Carol

    Did that bee pose for your shot? It’s a particularly professional-looking shot and I just wondered if you had to hire it as a model or anything…

    We think of you often, as you probably know, but particularly when admiring our front garden which you designed and the plants you helped Thurman put in. Yes, they have survived – and thrived (though those tiny crepe myrtles on either end always look dead to me after the winter and I almost dig them up and then find buds and then they’re fine again). Thanks again for sharing your horticultural wisdom. Miss you…

  2. Lauren

    What a soul-restoring day! That sedum wall is outstanding!

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