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Happy Place

I have been sitting out on my lanai at night more lately. I take a break from the couch and my phone and I just sit out there watching my plants grow. It’s relaxing.

It isn’t all the way quiet because I’m still running my air conditioner. It’s not hot-hot, like it is in the summer, but I don’t get much cross-breeze at my place, so it can be stuffy.


  1. Lauren

    Ahhhhh….. your living fire…… that looks wonderfully relaxing. 🙂

  2. Kristi

    What is the fuchsia-colored flower? That looks stunning against the green leaves.

    • Brad

      Kristi, I couldn’t remember what the plant was called, but I went searching on the internet. It’s a spathoglottis plicata. Apparently, it’s a common landscape plants in tropical climate zones. I got it on impulse from the Walmart garden center, and I have not regretted it. I love the flowers, and apparently, they’re long-blooming.

  3. Elaine Royuk

    You are indeed your grandpa’s grandson! He use to sit at the edge of the corn field and listen to the corn grow!

  4. Carol

    This song came to mind as I read your post about watching your lanai plants growing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u90qRE2F7CM

    [I’ve always appreciated Pete Seeger, and just recently read a book that included the “man from Maine” who wrote the song, too.]

    Happy listening!

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