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Entertaining Expedition

I went on a field trip yesterday. I had heard about a small town called Ojai (pronounced OH-hi) that people like to visit, and decided to check it out. As an added bonus, the rose nursery that I visited last fall was on the way. Nice!

I shopped with my nose, looking for roses that smelled nice.

Their display garden is particularly beautiful:

I have three spots left in the planter in front of my house, so I got three more roses: Fragrant Cloud, Grande Dame, and Sugar Moon. They all have powerful, but different, scents. I’m very happy with these selections.

After that, it was on to Ojai. The main drag was kind of short and small. It was quaint, and fun to walk, but smaller than I was expecting.

I did make sure to visit Bert’s Books, which is a cool bookstore without a roof. I guess it doesn’t rain very much in Ojai. I found some music books for church, so that’s cool.

There was a honey store that had all kinds of local honey from different flowers. I got some orange flower honey. It’s really interesting, and much different from the clover honey that’s so common.

On a side note, I can’t shake the feeling that there was something advertised during Saturday morning cartoons when I was a kid that included Ojai as its address. I have done a search of the internet, and couldn’t come up with anything, but it’s bothering me. The announcer said: “something… something… something… Ojai, California!” accompanied by a sort of cartoonish font of the address. If any of you out there remember what it is, I’d be very glad to know.


  1. Lauren

    That bookstore is so cool! Lloyd is going to flip out. I’ve seen open-air things before, but never shelves of books.

    I’m glad that you bought the roses first – they made your trip smell delightful, didn’t they?

    I don’t remember the advertisement, but I am with you on the internet search. If I think of it later, I’ll ask Reddit.

  2. Brady

    There is a comment on a Reddit thread about Kids WB that I found that mentions something about “sending my postcard to Ojai California”. Not sure if that helps jog the memory.

  3. Brad

    Yes Brady! That’s it! I was going back too far. It wasn’t cartoons I watched when I was a little kid. It was cartoons I watched in my twenties. I watched all those WB cartoons. And there’s even a video of the contest where you sent a postcard to Ojai:

    Ha! That’s such a relief to know.

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