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Nuisances and Nematodes

I have been fighting fungus gnats in my houseplants. They’re these tiny flying insects that lay eggs in the soil, then hatch and eat fungus, then grow into more tiny flying insects. They are completely harmless, but really annoying.

I had previously gotten some sticky traps. They sort of worked, but not really.

Then I read about nematodes. Nematodes are tiny creatures that also live in the soil and eat the fungus gnat younglings. The gnat cycle is broken, and the gnats disappear. I ordered some.

They were in a pouch and looked like powder

I mixed them with a gallon of water, then transferred them to my watering can and watered all my houseplants.

It worked! I can’t believe it! I have NO fungus gnats! Good job, nematodes!


  1. Carol

    Just goes to show ya’ – ya’ can’t judge a “bug” by its phylum. Until today all I knew from nematodes was parasitic roundworms that live in soil and/or can make dogs sick (e.g., roundworms, hookworms). Now I know they can also be anti-fungal heroes.

    Who knew?

  2. Lloyd

    There was an old women who swallowed a fungus gnat /d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d fly.

  3. Lauren

    That is crazy! And I’m not just talking about Lloyd’s weirdly formatted comment. Bugs through the mail? That is nightmarishly, fiendishly clever. Congratulations on winning the bug battle!

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