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Tray Talk

On Saturday, I started wearing my second set of tooth trays. I thought I’d write down some of my observances about the experience so far.

I’m supposed to wear each set of trays for two weeks, then switch to the next one.

The trays make me think about eating before I eat, since I have to pull them out first. I think I’m eating fewer snacks 🙂

The trays are MUCH better for wearing as an anti-grind measure at night. My old night-guard was too squishy and made my jaw hurt.

When I suck air between my teeth and dry out the trays, I can slide them against each other, and they squeak.

The new set of trays put noticeable pressure on my teeth. I’m curious to find out how long it will take for me to be able to see a difference in how my teeth look.

There are little stud-thingies on my teeth that the orthodontist glued on. The trays grip onto them to be more effective. When my trays are off, the studs feel weird.

I’ve been using fizzy tablets to clean my trays. I did Polident brand, and now I’m trying some brand called Retainer Brite. I do like how they feel after I’ve cleaned them. It does look like coffee stains don’t come out entirely though. The old trays aren’t as clear as the new ones. In the picture below, the old trays are on the right:

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Fascinating observations! When you wear braces and go in for an adjustment, the first day or so is uncomfortable since the teeth are being forced to shift just a tiny bit. I am son interested to see the trays side-by-side. It’s a ‘spot the difference’ game. When this is all over, you can mount the first and last one on something to show all the progress!

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