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Altered State

I worked at school yesterday, and it was the weirdest thing: instead of grinding through hours of distracted fits of work and periodically yelling at myself to keep going, I had a full day of laser-focus working. It was amazing and delightful. I worked solid from 6:30am to 4:30pm, with only a couple of breaks for phone conversations.

I have no idea why yesterday was so different. If I did, I would do whatever it took to repeat that laser focus. Then I would share the secret with my students. Then I would sell it to the rest of the world for the low, low price of $19.95.

I like to spread everything out while working on it.

I like to spread everything out while working on it.


  1. Carol

    Indeed! You could set up a kiosk at teacher conventions all over the country – make your fortune – retire to, say, I dunno, Hawaii!

    My theory on the laser-focus day? Battery recharging courtesy of recent visit from family. Wish I could say we’re lining up a monthly visitation schedule of friends from out here, if for no reason than to keep you focused, but sadly…

    Nice, neat classroom, by the way. I’m a tad jealous. We’re all so blessed busy this year, I’m behind on my de-cluttering. Perhaps one of my own Easter break days will be thus invested. Praying for your laser-like focus on that day.

  2. Kim

    See your nothing was something! Enjoy the lovely feeling of being caught up!

  3. Lauren

    Well, you inspired me. I woke up at 6:30 on the couch, read your post on the iPad, got up and worked for an hour and a half straight. Thank you for your inspiration, and the check is in the mail. Do you charge for shipping and handling?

  4. Peggy

    Wow! Way to go!!

    I hope you’re a millionaire in no time.

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