Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


I didn’t do anything yesterday. I slept late, then stayed in all day long. I should have gone to school to do some work. I should have gone on a walk to get some exercise. I should have gone to the grocery store to stock up for next week. Instead, I watched TV and ate and looked at funny cat pictures on the internet. I did at least shower at one point during the day. That counts for something, right?

It's The Daily Show

It’s The Daily Show


  1. Lauren

    That, sir, is what spring break is all about. That photo makes me proud.

  2. Carol

    So YOU’RE the one responsible for all the internet cat picture hype, I see! 😉

    I second Lauren’s comment, and raise you one Colbert Report. Way to go, professional spring break-er! And lose the “shoulda”‘s, will ya’? I already have every day of our upcoming break programmed but if I have any sense at all I’ll find myself in comparable pose as you’re picture today most of the time. These 60-hour work weeks can take it out of a body…

  3. Peggy

    I 2nd the above comments!! It’s an absolute postive requirement to do some nothing while on a break or you did it wrong.

    Here’s to a little more nothing the rest of your break! 🙂

  4. Kristi

    Excellent work, sir. Nothing-ness is a good thing, especially while on spring break.

  5. Jim

    Take it from one who knows:


  6. Lloyd

    It bothers me that you are not sitting perpendicular to your TV screen. I’m pretty sure that causes cancer.

    • Michele

      That’s funny Lloyd!

    • Brad

      I only sat like that to eat. After I was done, I went back to a sideways reclining position, and my head was lined up with the TV again. As a bonus, I didn’t have to move the chair out of the way.

  7. Kim

    Nothing is the new something. And were you looking at Grumpy Cat? We love him!

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