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Garden Report

Happy Birthday to Denis! Woo hoo!

There are more warmer days happening here. The plants in my back yard are liking it. The amaryllises have bloomed. They have more bloom spikes this year than they did last year. And the nasturtiums I grew from seed a year ago are finally blooming!

And the fig already has a fruit on it. Woo hoo! Hopefully I can eat it before a bird or bug does.

And speaking of food, I’m growing some potatoes this year. When you grow them in containers, you’re supposed to plant them way at the bottom in shallow soil, then as they grow, you bury the stems and slowly fill the pot. That way, roots grow off the stems, and you get more potatoes. I did this back in Baltimore with a storage tub. This time, I’m just using a pot.

The pot to the left is herbs. Yay, herbs!

4 responses to “Garden Report”

  1. Lauren says:

    Happy Birthday, Denis!!

    I am thinking about growing only pots of potatoes at school. They seem pretty hardy, and when fall comes ….. potatoes! Are your nearby herbs delicious on potatoes? Because that’s a potentially delicious photo.

  2. Kristi says:

    Somebody gave me a fig cutting, and it has taken root. A few leaves have started to break out as well. What is the proper care and keeping of a fig plant????

  3. Brad says:

    Kristi, they like lots of sun, rich soil, and water. In the winter they don’t need as much water when they aren’t actively growing.

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Cooking Crisps

I made parmesan crisps. I haven’t done that in a long time. I sprinkle them with Old Bay seasoning. I made a couple with smoked paprika (the darker ones in the picture below). They taste good too, but I like the Old Bay better.

I cooked these until they were crispy. I like them. I also like when they have some chewiness. Actually, I think I like them any way they’re made, because they’re cheese. Mmm… cheese…

Nice Neighbor

This was in my mailbox today:

It’s a paper announcing the memorial service of my neighbor. I knew him. He was so friendly, and was always sitting in a lawn chair in his driveway – usually next to a cat.

I posted about him a year and a half ago.

I’m sorry to hear that he has died. I am so glad that someone put this flyer in my mailbox. What a nice idea. Now instead of me just wondering why I never see Dave in his driveway any more, I know why.

I wish I could go to his memorial service, but… wait… I just looked at the address of that place. It’s right down the street from school. Maybe I COULD go. I’d have to have coverage before and after lunch…. I’m going to look into it.

Tray Talk

On Saturday, I started wearing my second set of tooth trays. I thought I’d write down some of my observances about the experience so far.

I’m supposed to wear each set of trays for two weeks, then switch to the next one.

The trays make me think about eating before I eat, since I have to pull them out first. I think I’m eating fewer snacks 🙂

The trays are MUCH better for wearing as an anti-grind measure at night. My old night-guard was too squishy and made my jaw hurt.

When I suck air between my teeth and dry out the trays, I can slide them against each other, and they squeak.

The new set of trays put noticeable pressure on my teeth. I’m curious to find out how long it will take for me to be able to see a difference in how my teeth look.

There are little stud-thingies on my teeth that the orthodontist glued on. The trays grip onto them to be more effective. When my trays are off, the studs feel weird.

I’ve been using fizzy tablets to clean my trays. I did Polident brand, and now I’m trying some brand called Retainer Brite. I do like how they feel after I’ve cleaned them. It does look like coffee stains don’t come out entirely though. The old trays aren’t as clear as the new ones. In the picture below, the old trays are on the right:

Flower Fun

Yesterday I went to Carlsbad (down toward San Diego). I visited a flower farm that lets people visit and take pictures and buy pricy refreshments. It was fun!

They had a lot of fun flower things. Here’s a patch of clover where they encourage you to try to find a four leaf clover:

They had a maze made out of sweet pea plants. The flowers smelled so good!

They also had an orchid green house. So beautiful!

But the main attraction was their flower fields. They grow ranunculus flowers. Ranunculuses are relatives of buttercups, but they are much bigger and come in many colors:

They plant seeds, and at the end of the season, dig up the tubers to be sold at garden centers all around the world. Cool!

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