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My mom and I went out yesterday to revel in the Black Friday crowds. We started at Best Buy to see if they had any of those crazy-cheap laptops left. They didn’t. Next we went to Towson Mall. It has recently received some upgrades, and I wanted to show my mom the “Fancy Wing”. They have places like Pottery Barn, Swarovski, and Burberry.

After all our shopping, I got… nothing. I couldn’t even spend money on something I needed: My watch hasn’t been keeping the right time, so I went to the watch store to replace its battery. The guy said the battery tested fine. He said my watch was broken. To fix it, I would need to replace all the works. For about $70. Dang.

Good-bye to my dear old friend of a watch who has been with me for many, many years. It is irreplaceable.

I got so many great compliments from this watch.

But now I get to shop for a new watch! Woo Hoo!

I also saw a coat that brought a recurring question to mind. On closures like the one pictured below, when the claw-shaped thing is not plastic, what is it made of? A bear claw? A whale tooth? Just what animal part is that?

What ever it is, this is the real thing.  The price tag says so.


  1. Karla

    That’s too cool of a watch. If it were me, I’d have to seriously consider fixing it just because it’s so cool. You’d easily spend more than that on a Fossil…

  2. Kim

    Ok, I will take the bait. How do you know that it is not keeping the correct time?

    • Karla

      He has a sun dial strapped to the other wrist. He can’t compare on a cloudy day.

  3. Peggy

    What?!? Your watch gave you compliments?!? Again, this could only happen to you…Don’t worry, I’m sure the galaxies will pick up where the watch left off!

    • Lauren

      You funny.

  4. Lauren

    Hey -where’s my rest stop comment? I was heart broken because the pictures were loading so slowly and I didn’t want it to be the ant watch…. then it was. Booooo.

    Bring it here and we’ll add it to the shrine. 🙁

  5. Lloyd

    I think the closures are made of old, broken, compressed watches.

  6. Brad

    I’m up way past my bedtime and have only been able to uncover the fact that the closures are called “toggle closures” and are probably made from the horn of some animal.

    • Lauren

      Probably a unicorn. I understand that they’ve been hunted to near extinction.

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