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Category: Food (Page 1 of 149)

Corn on the Cob

I had some Nebraska sweet corn last night. Oh… My… Gosh… It was so good!

My mom had a gathering at her place, and we had some other food too, but the sweet corn was so sweet! Wow!

Other than that, I had an adventure with Beth in the morning to get a new sink for my mom’s bar area, and then I slept. I have slept a LOT since I’ve been here. It makes me feel like I’m sick or something, but I think what’s really happening is that I’m relaxing into my vacation time. Yay for rest!

Sizzling Seabass

All my major commitments are ending for the summer. I went out for a celebratory dinner last night. I had something called “Sizzling Seabass”. It’s fun to say! Try it!

It was also fun to eat. The seabass came out in a really hot pan, so it was, indeed, sizzling.

I have a couple of church-related things to take care of this Sunday, and then I will truly enter into my vacation time.

Finding Food

For Bruno’s food, I’ve been using Royal Canin, which was recommended to me by a vet or breeder or someone. But it upsets Bruno’s stomach.

I went to the little neighborhood pet food shop near me, and asked the guy if he had recommendations. Boy howdy, did he have recommendations! He talked for a long time about various brands and how they’re sourced, and that some of them are actually human-grade food, and you could eat it if you want. At one point, I almost said to him: “You’re giving me too much information.” Instead, I powered through.

I think he liked that I listened. He gave me a whole bunch of small sample bags of cat food. When I got home, I opened a few and let Bruno try them.

It was fun to watch how he responded to each new kind I opened, but he had a clear favorite:

It’s salmon flavored, and the brand name is “Fussie”. Ha! He hasn’t been a particularly fussy eater, but this brand is supposed to taste especially good, and he sure acts like it.

Restaurant Re-visit

I went to Panera Bread to eat yesterday.

I hadn’t been there in ages! I tried to do the self-serve kiosk. It went mostly ok. At the end it asked if I wanted to tip, which seemed weird, because I did everything myself.

The broccoli cheddar soup looked different – less orange. It tasted like I remembered though. The salad was fine.

I used to go there all the time. I probably won’t be back again for a while. It was just ok. I wonder if the food changed, or if I did.

Displeasing Drink

I went to the mall yesterday. It seems like it’s been a long time since I’ve been there. I stopped in the food court for lunch. Mmm… mall pizza…

The pizza place didn’t have unsweet tea, which is my go-to drink now, so I got root beer. It has been a LONG time since I’ve had a soda. I’m trying to cut back on sugar.

I didn’t like it. It could have been that their soda machine wasn’t doing the mixture right, but it was bitter and harsh tasting. I should have just gotten a water.

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