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Month: December 2008 (Page 1 of 7)

Last Supper

We went out for a last supper yesterday. We went to a place in Staplehurst. It was a bar that served delicious food.

Tim got a head start by having toothpaste as an appetizer, but it didn’t diminish his appetite one bit.

He kept saying: 'Paste!'

The bar had something called “Sweet corn nuggets” as an appetizer. I had to try them. We also got “fried mac and cheese”. Both were interesting. I liked the corn nuggets better.

The mac and cheese is the wedge-shaped thing on the left.  All the others are sweet corn nuggets.

I fly home tonight.

And of course I had to have a salad with Dorothy Lynch salad dressing.

So sweet and delicious...

After dinner, we had a little exercise time. It was anaerobic for me, and aerobic for Tim.

One and two and laugh and breathe...

We finished the evening with my dad’s super-awesome Manhattans. The secret is that they’re extra sweet. Mmmm…. sugar….


I have been giggling every time I’ve seen Tim this visit. I think he looks exactly like Ralphie from “A Christmas Story”. I watch this movie every year, and often more than once per season. Tim is a very smiley kid, so he gives the Ralphie smile frequently. So I giggle frequently.

Here he is:

A Sweet Gift

Lloyd and Lauren gave me Miracle Fruit tablets for Christmas. After eating the miracle fruit (or tablets made from this fruit), sour things taste sweet. I had first heard about miracle fruit from Logee’s, my favorite mail order place for tropical plants. I considered getting a miracle fruit plant, but I already lug so many plants inside during the winter, I decided against it.

Because of this gift, I got to try the effects of this amazing fruit anyway. We taste-tested many foods, including sour apples, sour candy, pickles, and vinegar. The most striking taste-test was with lemons. They were incredibly sweet.

I can’t help but wonder though… are there any strange side effects? If there are, Lloyd, Lauren, and Beth are in the same predicament I am. Thank goodness I won’t have to go through it alone…

Chalky-tasting tablets... sweet, sweet lemons.


Yesterday was another party. Is that all people in Nebraska ever do?

This time it was at my aunt and uncle’s house in Lincoln. My cousins are in from Baltimore and there was an open house so everyone could greet them. It was a fun time. My cousins are doing well. Julian and Anna are house hunting right now, so it was fun to talk with them about that. I talked with Andrea about my cashmere sweater because she noticed it was soft when we hugged ‘hello’.

My aunt and uncle have an awesome house. Their basement is a monument to Nebraska Cornhusker fandom. It has memorabilia all over the wall, a giant TV, and a full bar. It was a great place for a party. I highly recommend stopping there any time you visit Nebraska. Just tell them you know me.

That's cousin-in-law Anna in the bar stool.

Let’s Go to the Mall

We went to Lincoln yesterday to visit the mall for After Christmas Sales. It was my mom and me in one car, and Harold, Beth, Tara, and Tim in another car. We were only marginally successful.

First we had lunch at Culver’s hamburger place. Yum! Then we went to the mall. At the mall, my mom was looking for some white Isotoner gloves she had seen before Christmas. She didn’t find them, but found other gloves she liked. Beth looked at wallets, but didn’t find anything good. Tara picked up all the trash she could find and handed it to the ladies at the cash registers. My feet sweated in my new Crocs shoes.

After the Pesters headed on to Kohl’s, my mom got a new battery for her watch and I got a puzzle.

What was most important, though, is that before they left the mall, Tara and Tim got a ride on the carousel. Yay!

Doot doot do do do do doot doot do dooo...

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