Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Yesterday we had a Thanksgiving meal. Denis had gotten a free turkey from his work, so we cooked it up. We also made mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and cranberry. (Actually, it was my mom who did most of the stuff, but I helped).

We ate until we were stuffed, then we all had naps. It was awesome.

Max made a new discovery yesterday: He likes turkey.

It's finger lickin' good.


  1. Lauren

    Mmmmmmmm….. turkey……

    How does somebody get a free turkey at work? Is Denis a professional radio call-in competitor?

  2. Beth

    Dad’s the best turkey carver de-boner ever.

  3. Peggy

    Excellent!! Turkey & naps!! (well, assuming it really was a turkey…free from a hospital ‘ya just gotta wonder)

    • Lauren

      Heh. I just read that. You funny, Peggy – and a little twisted. 🙂

  4. Carol

    Yea, but was their sauerkraut? You’re not a real “Baltimoron” unless you had kraut with your turkey dinner, you know. It’s sort of the gift that keeps on giving….

    • Carol

      Sorry, I meant “there”, as opposed to “they’re” or “their” or…

      [Must be reading far too many middle schoolers’ Pulitzer Prize winners of late…]

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