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Full Refrigerator

Well, my parents have made it safely back to Nebraska. It was a great visit. I’m really glad they came. It’s funny because I still have a reminder of their visit: a refrigerator packed full of food. I don’t think it’s ever been this full.

My parents visiting made me think again about how I almost never cook for myself. I eat cereal a lot, and I do carryout. For entertainment on the weekends I might go out to eat. While my parents were here, I kept suggesting this or that restaurant. We spent a lot of time eating. Am I some kind of foodie? …some kind of foodie who doesn’t like to cook? Hmmm…

The leftover turkey is in the drawer with the grapefruit.


  1. Lauren

    Moms have some kind of magic that keeps refrigerators stocked with actual food. Ours is full, but with a box of wine, a gallon refill of ketchup, and many, many half-full bottles of strange condiments.

  2. Deanne

    I’m on a fridge- and freezer-emptying binge. I had to chuck a bunch of (very, very old) stuff in the freezer in order to defrost it (to determine that the icemaker was broken). So I’m thinking that even though it costs more to keep it more empty, it’s better for us as a family to eat what we have rather than keeping around a bunch of stuff that we don’t even know what it is.

    Is there something in there for Max? He looks veeeeery interested…

  3. Annette

    I hope you pay attention to what you pour on top of your cereal. The milk and beer are stored dangerously close to each other, yet both safely out of reach of Max.

    • Brad

      Max doesn’t like beer. He prefers a nice Chianti.

      • Annette

        And I went there…..thanks alot Brad. So, my guess is that Max is eye-ing the liver in the zip lock bag on the bottom shelf? Where’s Denis???

      • Lloyd

        Are you sure he doesn’t prefer to be served with a nice Chianti?

    • Curt

      I remember using beer on cereal when I was out of milk (those were the college years, where beer was more important than milk). It isn’t that bad. You have to eat it quick though otherwise the cereal gets soggy quick.

      Brad, what kind of beer is next to the Sam Adams? I don’t recognize it.

      • Brad

        It’s called “Honey Brown”. I used to like it.

        Actually, I don’t drink beer. I got it because my cousins came over for pizza and I thought it would be impolite to have someone for pizza and not offer beer. As it turned out, almost everyone had Pepsi anyway.

        • Lloyd

          For Pizza, I’d pick Pepsi.

    • Lauren

      They should invent a cereal that is specifically made to have beer poured over it and not get soggy. That’d be a huge hit, I’m sure!

  4. Beth

    I still can’t believe you have a side-by-side. Who are you?

    • Carol

      I was thinking something similar, Beth – thank you! We have the same old right-hinged single door refrigerator that came with the house in 1970-something – I am dreaming of a (black) French door with freezer on the bottom. (Those words almost fit the tune of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” – try it!) There are several difficulties with this in our case, including but not limited to the presence of a cabinet above the freezer limiting the total size to about 18 cu. ft. (most of these models are 22 cu.ft. or more, we are finding) and the fact that, like more than one of us who post here, the frig is usually empty of everything but condiments so why even bother to get another one regardless the style? Sigh

      –frustrated appliance covet-er

  5. Peggy

    I think Max is tryig to levitate that plate of turkey out of the compartment with his mind. Keep at it Max…I know you have powers beyond compare!

    • Carol

      Would that make him “Super Max”? [No…wait…that’s a prison, isn’t it?]

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