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Let’s Go to the Mall

I had a good day yesterday. I went to see the newest James Bond movie (which was okay… it was chock-full of action, but didn’t have a puzzle to solve or much to think about), and I went to the mall. I ate a full-sized Cinnabon and instantly regretted it, then walked around a little. It was great fun. And who isn’t revitalized by a little trip to the mall and a belly full of doughy goodness?

Being there made me think of a song from an 80’s music video on the TV show “How I Met Your Mother”. In the show, one of the characters was a bubblegum pop star from Canada in the 80’s. The video is awesome. So is the song. I’m going to see if I can download it. For your viewing pleasure, HERE it is.

To top it all off, when I came out of the mall, it was snowing! Yay for snow!

Oh the weather outside is frightful... let's go to the mall!


  1. Beth

    I still like to dance like that…

    And I’m pretty sure I did my hair just like that in junior high.

    Apparently I love the 80s.

  2. Lauren

    I’m so glad you posted the video! First, it was a great start to my Sunday and second, I was only familiar with “Sandcastles in the Sand”, her later work.

    Yay for snow!! Boo for your regrets.

  3. Michele

    We must have just missed each other!
    We (my friend Beth and I) went to see the “Four Christmases” movie yesterday – I screamed (too loud apparently) during one of the unexpected funny parts. I scared myself and then laughed until I cried.
    Coming out to the snow was awesome! Instead of doing the mall, we walked The Avenue and shopped. Instead of doughy goodness, I had nachos and margarita goodness.

    • Kim

      Hey-I was at that mall yesterday too! We went to see Twilight for the second time, and then headed to Ikea for some Christmas shopping. It was snowing when we got out of the movie too. Freaky, freaky.

      I just snacked on the goodness of Edward…yummy!

      • Michele

        Eeeewwww – gross!

      • Karla

        TMI!!!! 😉

  4. Deanne

    I camped in that snow! And I was warm enough!!

    • Lloyd

      Were there killer bees in your house?

      • Karla

        Good question, Lloyd. Yes Deanne, why would you shun a perfectly good house and sleep outside?

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