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Tire Place

My tire was slashed two months ago, and I finally went to the tire place yesterday. I went to Firestone, because it seemed the logical place to go, since I have Firestone tires. The guy had me wait while he tried to patch the tire. But it couldn’t be patched. He said that somebody had definitely cut it with a knife and that I would need to replace it and that a replacement would cost $128.

He also said my other tires were 1/32 of an inch away from legally bald in Maryland, which surprised me because they look really good to me. He said I had around 6000 miles left on them before they would all need to be replaced. Ouch! Well, at least I know that I have until March or so before I hit 6000 miles. And based on this experience, once I decide to go to the tire place, it will take me two months to actually get there. So it will be May. Do I drive on my spare that whole time and tempt fate? What if I have another flat?

The sun on my back was warm... until it got hot.


  1. Lauren

    1. That is a really nice magazine display!

    2. Of course a tire guy is going to say that you need new tires. They probably had a magazine person come in and say, “You need more magazines.” Look where that got them.

    3. Move to Seward. We hardly ever have our tires slashed, and if it ever does happen, we all know Lloyd did it.

    • Brad

      It’s funny that you should mention the magazines. Although I can’t remember any titles, I do remember that there was not a single magazine I had even the slightest interest in opening, which is kind of weird because I love magazines.

  2. Lloyd

    Do you rotate your spare in when you rotate your tires have your tires rotated? If you don’t, then there’s no real reason to buy (a) a new spare or (b) a spare at the same time you buy your other tires.

    Also, did he mention that new tires are 2/32 of an inch away from being legally bald in Maryland. For that matter, I think you might be legally bald in Maryland. (I felt like I was channeling Sam there)

  3. Michele

    That waiting area looks like the perfect place for a nap! … right there in the sunny spot 🙂 Ahhhhh

  4. kiwe

    I think you should get a second opinion. Maybe from a local tire shop that has no vested interest in you buying Firestone. Or form a store that has real chairs instead of airport benches.

  5. Peggy

    Tempt fate? But aren’t you the master & creator of fate?

  6. Jill

    I love my WalMart tires…cheap, but made by Goodyear, so theoretically, they should be good. Or at least good enough. If you don’t have an aversion to WalMart, you might want to look there.

  7. Michele

    I say you go to BJs and get them. You can shop for Carnation while you wait!

    • Lloyd

      I want to go on record as not replying to this comment.

  8. Carol

    When I first saw that waiting area, I thought you had gotten your digital photos confused and were posting from your new sun room or enclosed deck or something. I know you enjoy a good periodical, so that tablefull looked right at home…but then the view from the all-glass wall didn’t make sense with your house, I read a few postings, and eureka – I get it now…and I agree: don’t buy from the Firestone place, where they have a vested interest in selling you their own brand. I personally have more than once with more than one vehicle used Atlantic Tire on Pulaski Hwy just outside the city line here in Bawlmer County. Tom Bendewald (BLS alum and “PK”) worked there the last few times I went in and may still be there. Honest, inexpensive, will repair instead of replace if they can. ‘Course their tire of choice is Coopers, and some folks don’t go for that brand, but I believe they carry others. I trust ’em. Maybe a phone call first? Best of luck on your hunt, sir.

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