Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


After school every day, I change clothes before wrestling practice. It seems silly to carry all my stuff down to the locker room, so I change before walking over to the gym. I’ve tried changing in the boys bathroom, but I would either have to stand right next to the urinals, or in plain sight of the door. And besides the danger of urine or flashing passers-by, changing in the bathroom means I have to put my bare or socked foot on the boys’ bathroom floor, which is gross.

Instead, I change in my classroom. I lock the door, turn off the light, hide around the corner, and change as fast as I can. It works fine, and I don’t mind touching the floor of my classroom with my bare feet. Much.

Yesterday, as I was changing, something dropped out of my sneaker treads. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s really fascinating. It’s all shiny like it’s wet, but it’s dry. It looks a little like an alien life form, so I didn’t touch the shiny stuff with my finger. I was afraid it would kill me.

Four little aliens, all waiting to be hosted.


  1. Lauren

    A new form of peas? A french fry with…. BBs in it? Good thing I wasn’t eating when I saw it. *jibblie*

    What do you change into?

  2. Karla

    It looks like little turds to me. *jibble*

  3. Beth

    If it was in the treads of your shoe…how tiny is it? I need a quarter.

    Also, it looks gross. That’s all. Just gross.

    • Lloyd

      I agree. No Quarter, no comment. Oh, wait.

  4. Peggy

    Now it’s pretty common knowledge that alien pods always come in 5 packs. YIKES! Might explain your weird headaches… but if you become a government enthusiast, we’ll know for sure!

    • Karla

      Wait – can I not count anymore or are there only 4 seeds/turds/early alien lifeforms in that pod?

      • Peggy

        Indeed you count correctly…so where do you suppose that 5th one went?

        • Karla

          *gasp! Could it already be in Brad’s brain?

        • Brad

          Brad is *grzzp* fine. Do not worry *zrrkt* about Brad.

        • Peggy


  5. Peggy

    …but really, that is very disturbing looking!

  6. Michele

    I think I’m gonna be sick!

  7. kiwe

    Leguminosae (Fabaceae)

    Common Names: Tamarind, Tamarindo, Tamarin, Sampalok.
    Distant affinity: Carob (Ceratonia siliqua).

    Origin: The tamarind is native to tropical Africa and grows wild throughout the Sudan. It was introduced into India so long ago, it has often been reported as indigenous there also. It is extensively cultivated in tropical areas of the world. Sometime during the sixteenth century, it was introduced into America and today is widely grown in Mexico.

    • Carol

      Wow! I searched for images of tamarind on-line and you may just have something there, doctor! Now, tell me – how do you suppose they got from tropical Africa/India/Mexico to Brad’s classroom??

      • Lauren

        Kiwe left it there. This is all a set-up!

        • kiwe


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