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I Name It

Happy Birthday, Lloyd! On this day in 1843, Charles Dickens’ Yuletide tale, “A Christmas Carol,” was first published in England

I have developed a rather large zit on my cheek. It looks like an old-fashioned stress zit. I used to name them for the things that made them appear… Term Paper, Final Exam, Senior Recital. If I had to name this one, I might just call it Last Two Weeks Before Christmas Break. It is large enough to be unmistakable, but it’s not ready for any kind of procedure.

I don’t know why I seem to be extra stressed this year. I have some pretty severe back pain right now that I think is from stress. Beth just made an appointment with a Seward massage person for me. I’m really looking forward to that.

In the meantime, perhaps I’ll just need to pig out on all the Christmas candy the kids are giving me, and watch some Rudolph on TV. Today is the last day of school before break! Woo hoo!

Look away... I'm hideous.


  1. Lloyd

    There’s another one on your pointer finger.

    • Brad

      That’s where I tore skin off my finger during a church council meeting on Wednesday.

      • Lloyd

        Were you gnawing it off in a vain attempt to escape?

  2. Beth

    Your eyes look tired. Maybe you should just call in sick and sleep all day.

  3. Peggy

    Maybe your head is turning into a Christmas tree…this is just the 1st ball, I can’t wait until the lights & tinsel sprout!

  4. Peggy

    Beth–a massage?!? Is this a gift? Excellent!!

    • Lloyd

      Yeah, the bad news is that I’m the one giving it.

      • Kristi

        Ha! Wasn’t Potratz the masseuse? (sp?)

  5. Karla

    Today is Arron’s last day of school also. Unfortunately we’re having an ice storm, so school was cancelled. We’re sad because it is supposed to be “Christmas Loot Day.” 🙁

  6. kiwe

    Maybe it’s a ” pig out on all the Christmas candy the kids are giving me” zit. Don’t worry! Life is good and TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!

  7. Lauren

    So did you walk around covering it all day? If you used a pretty fan, you could be like a male geisha. “Three little maids from school are we…”

    • Lauren

      You’re singing it now, aren’t you?


    • Michele

      Nope – he made no effort to cover it at all. It was right there for all to see ALL DAY! We were so embarrassed by it that when we (Brad, Carol, Peggy, and me) went out for a drink after school, we asked for a booth in the corner!

  8. beth Marshall


    I am visiting in on my usual ocassional once a month or so check in…..

    Happy Birthday to Llyod, Lauren and Brad’s Mom!

    Happy Birthday to baby Zeke (love the name)
    Here is what I tried to post on Karla’s blog to no avail…

    “OMG! I just saw on Brad’s blog that Zeke was born. I am so out of the loop!!!
    He is adorable. He looks like Anna did as a baby (sorta)
    I am so happy for y’all.
    I hope everything went well for you in the labor/delivery part.

    Much love to you all for the holiday season. (you got 2 pretty awesome miracles :)”

    Back to Brad…

    I can’t believe I come back to a ZIT blog.( yes i can)
    YUCK Brad! 🙂

    Call me over the holiday break when u are in Seward and at Lloyd and Lauren’s so I can say hey to all.

    Hope u have some cute sweaters for Max. CoCo is sporting his finest Florida winter wear :0

    Check your FB. Lots of posts!

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