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Max Attacks

Max is always frisky in the morning. I don’t know if it’s that he’s been sleeping all night, so he feels energized, or that he’s glad to see me awake because all I’ve been doing for hours is lying in bed, or maybe it’s something else. His heat lamp is right next to the computer, so that’s where it all starts. He used to bite the electrical cords next to his bed. I blocked that, so now he just bites the heat lamp hood.

As the morning progresses, he gets more aggressive. Right before I step into the shower, he’s developed the habit of biting my ankles. After my shower, he races down the hallway in front of me and runs into my bedroom where he attacks every piece of clothing before I put it on. As I try to go downstairs, he’ll go ahead of me, then stop. It’s like he wants to make me fall down the stairs. Is he trying to kill me?

You can almost see his extra nipple.

Hello.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father... prepare to die.


  1. Beth

    You could send that last picture in to LOL Cats. With that very caption. 😀

  2. Carol

    Cheese, with the spaghetti bowl of electrical cords to the upper right corner of the first picture, you’d think you were trying to kill him!

    What a cutie – definitely material for “Playcat Monthly” or a pin-up cat calendar, if nothing else.

  3. Kim

    I don’t blame Max one bit, you have a death wish with the hour you get up every morning.

    Hi Max!

    • Lloyd

      I don’t blame Max one bite.

  4. Lauren

    He’s definitely trying to kill you – look at those crazy eyes. Do you have a way to defend yourself?

  5. Peggy

    Hehe…you go Max!! I sure hope Santa brings you some nice toys & treats, maybe a teethng ring too! In the meantime, continue to gnaw on your master!

  6. Karla

    Of course he’s trying to kill you – he’s probaby cold! I get cold just looking at his naked little body. brrrr

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