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Come Mister Tally Man, Tally Me Bananas

The mission trip group at school sold fruit baskets this year. I knew they would be good because we have a school family who runs a fruit distribution center. They supply grocery stores, etc. Anyway, I wanted to get something because it would be so good, and when I read the description of the giant tropical basket, I had to have it. Included in the basket were one “hand” of red bananas, and one “hand” of Manazano bananas. I really wanted to try these. As far as I can remember, the only bananas I’ve had are Cavendish, so I was anxious to taste these new ones.

The basket came on Friday. I immediately opened it, and discovered that none of the fruit was ripe yet. They packed it just shy of ripe so I would have time to eat it I guess. Well, I don’t have time to eat it. I fly to Nebraska today. I did go on the SS TSA website and they did say I could carry-on fruit in the peel, but that’s no guarantee some agent won’t just take them. Dang.

I’ll try anyway. I really want to taste them. Plus, the vitamins might help me get over the terrible cold I seem to have developed just in time for Christmas vacation.

Maybe the bananas will distract me from the suffocating fear.

So tiny... so unripe...


  1. Beth

    Pack them in your suitcase. You’ll need the extra space when you return to fill with your presents anyway, right?

    I’m sure they travel better in suitcases than pancakes and syrup. I’ve tried that, and it didn’t go so well.

    • Lauren

      Pancakes? I gotta hear that story.

      Sorry about your cold. It makes me feel better that you’re coming with one, though. Then I don’t have to worry about giving you this one. We’ll try to have an assortment of medicines around for you. 🙂

  2. Lauren

    (Hee hee hee. Love the song.)

  3. Peggy

    All I can say is BEWARE of foreign bananas:


    Happy Traveling!! (& fear not, I’m sure they’ll de-ice the plane before take off…I mean the the airlines haven’t requested a bail out, right?)

  4. Peggy

    … of foreign banana hands: (fix that porfavor)

  5. Carol

    Only one question comes to mind: how do you know none of the bananas you’ve never tried before aren’t>/i> already ripe? Huh?! I mean, red bananas might be, well, just red when they are ready to eat. Just because they are hard as rocks should be no deterrent either – just shove entire cheeks-full into your face while waiting at BW-TMI (that now stands for “By Willie – Too Many Initials!”). The roughage alone should make the experience memorable, particularly if your plane is stuck on a tarmac somewhere for a long time. He he.

    Enjoy the visit with family … and some of us eagerly wait word of a certain conversation you had Sat. a.m. If you got any encouraging “vibes” from that, feel free to call or e-mail any of us with details that could help make our Christmas bright, if you catch the drift. Safe travel – don;t lose your luggage or your lunch (or your fruit!)

    • Carol

      “Dear Santa; please bring me better proofreading eyes for Christmas – I’ve been good!”

  6. Lauren

    UPDATE: Brad is here. He got into Seward around 12:45 and went straight to bed. He’s got a cold, and his last words were, “No post tomorrow”. We’ll just let him rest.

    • Carol

      Two words for ya’, Brad: Zi-cam. I’m using it now myself to push back flaming sore throat and runny nose germs. It normally shortens both duration and severity. Unless you have a zinc allergic reaction (like the Thurmanator)…then, don’t go there; just suffer in silence. As they say at doggie obedience school: “Heal!” You don’t want to make Santa sick now, do ya’?

    • Brad

      Lauren mis-remembered… I said there would be no post for her this morning. She was getting up too early.

      • Brad

        To be fair, it was the middle of the night and I had recently been awakened.

        • Lauren

          AHHH!!!! I look like Brad!!!!

  7. Peggy

    Feel better soon…

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