Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Bad and Good

I had good plane flights, despite my cold.

The trip started off bad because of Northwest’s stupid $15 charge for checking a suitcase. If not for the TSA’s stupid restrictions, I’d be able to carry-on everything I need. I think they’re in cahoots. I should send the TSA a bill for $15. It’s their fault I had to pay it.

Dang it!

Things got better when I sat in my EXIT ROW seat for my first flight. It was wonderfully roomy. The Minneapolis airport was once again a fun place to have a layover. I had a Godfather’s personal pizza, then browsed their huge mall-like area. I was delightfully intrigued by the hand-dryers in the bathroom. It was a design I had never seen before. They were made by Dyson.

My trip to Lincoln was nicely uneventful. But it’s cooold in Nebraska.

Once again risking my life to take a picture in the men's restroom...

UPDATE: Here’s the picture of my hand in the dryer. It uses thin “blades” of air to squeegee your hands dry. It actually worked quite well, as far as I could tell.

It was LOUD!


  1. Lloyd

    Do you stick your hands straight down or in from the side?

    • Peggy

      Yea, how about a demonstration with your hands…or your face…

      Enjoy your umpteenth vacation!!!

      (BTW: It’s cold here too…and you know it’s true if I say it.)

      • Brad

        I did actually take a picture. Update added.

  2. Kim

    Enjoy your time in Nebraska; glad you didn’t go down in a firey inferno.

  3. Karla

    Yea! You made it to Nebraska! Double yea! You got to use a Dyson hand dryer! I love his vaccums – we have a pretty purple one that sucks really well. 😀

    • Lloyd

      Do you think it actually sucks the moisture off your hands?

  4. Carol

    Nobody wants to know where my mind has been going since I saw the unique hand dryer design in the airplane’s men’s room…..absolutely nobody….oy!

    Hope you’re feeling well enough to enjoy Nebraska – may the cold air kill the germs and leave you feeling all Christmasy. Is there much/any snow? (Nuttin’ here – just ice…)

    • Beth

      Um…we must be up to about 6 inches on the ground over a layer of ice…and more predicted for tonight.

      But on the bright side, the high tomorrow is a balmy 22 degrees. That’s up from 14 today and 4 yesterday. WoooHooo!!

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