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Let it Snow

Merry Christmas!

Yesterday was a nice Christmas Eve. My parents are back in town, so I spent most of the day at their house. Today is our big family gathering, so my mom was making food preparations. My nephew Daniel and niece Anna also came over and hung out for a while.

When it came time to get ready for church, my mom suggested I drive Daniel and Anna home, then drive to Lloyd and Lauren’s house to get ready. DRIVE?!? On snow? Fortunately, when snow is really cold, it’s almost like dirt on the road. It’s not very slippery. I squashed down all my jibblies and did it. I did fine.

Driving in a winter wonderland...


  1. Beth


    And, I’m glad you didn’t die on the road. Dying on a snowy road in the city limits of Seward would have been humiliating.

  2. Lauren

    Wow – I’m impressed that you drove. Nobody would believe it, but 7th Street is the worst street in town. It just gets a cursory swipe early in the storm, then is forgotten.

    Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Peggy

    Merry Christmas to All!!!

    And glad your driving experience left you Not Dead…but from the looks of the traffic, I think all you had to fear was maybe…a donut.

    Have a great day!!!

  4. Peggy

    PS I’ll have to squash down all my jibblies (hehe…I love that!) in anticipation of the political arguements discussions this afternoon…

  5. Karla

    Merry Christmas, Movie House!!

    Brad, you lived in Nebraska for how long?

  6. Carol

    Isn’t it great to have all the fam’bly together on the holiday*? Welcome home, M & D Royuk! Congrats on your driving bravery, Mr. Brad sir!! Blessed Christmas, Bradaptationland!!

    * …though we wouldn’t know this year. B-i-l, Danny, was down for the count with a cold earlier this week so we’d already postponed the annual Hagerstown get-together until Sunday the 28th. Then yours truly got the bronchial-and-nasal event undoubtedly courtesy of her many snot-nosed 6th grade advisory members who snorted, coughed, wheezed and choked their way through standardized testing all last week. [Thanks, guys! Love you, too!] But we Baltimorons started a new tradition for when we don’t leave the house on Christmas: fake sauerbraten made in the crock pot. It was yummirific, although Thurman did have to add additional brown sugar to make it palatable.

  7. Kim

    Merry Christmas, Bradaptationland!

    And you thought your flight out there was the risky part!

  8. Michele

    I’ll bet that burly man undershirt gave you the courage to squash down all the jibblies and face the challenge like a real red neck!

    • Michele

      P.S. Merry Christmas all – I’m sitting here stuffed and sleepy! I hope you are too (in a good way!)

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