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A Very Royuk Christmas

My family enjoyed a great Christmas celebration yesterday. The morning church service was astounding. The organist/choir director at St. John has skilz. I wept at the beauty of the music many times.

After church we gathered at my mom and dad’s house. My dad cooked up some prime rib. Actually, he said it was technically called something else like “rib roast” or something, but it tasted like prime rib. It was “eat the fat” good. Yum! It was huge. In the picture below, it’s sitting on a pizza pan.

Roast beast.

One of the funniest exchanges of the day was when my parents tried to surprise Daniel. They had him open a present that was BB’s. He didn’t know what they were. He kept saying they were bubbles. Finally, my parents just sent him to find his new BB gun. His new RED RYDER BB gun!

An official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time
Actually, it was a little different than the Red Ryder gun from the movie, but it was still very cool.

I received many wonderful gifts. It was kind of a Star Wars Christmas, since I got a desk calendar and a bobble-head Darth Vader. I also got some tennis shoe Crocs, an accompaniment version of the current Lutheran hymn book, and some Xylitol in granulated form (which I’m sure will be the subject of some future posts).

The loot.

Tim slept through the gift opening but it was okay, because right now he’s more into food than presents. Give him an avocado and it’s all good…

In it with both hands.


  1. Carol

    What a discerning palate Tim has – avocados?? I’m still not big on those and I’m WAY older than he.

    …and way to go, grandparents – getting the grandson a shoot-your-eye-out Christmas toy. I’m impressed at your trust and confidence there…or something…

    Your feast sounds like what we’re expecting on Sunday – hope there’s some prime rib left by then; your piece did look huge! Glad you could all be together for a Very Royuk Christmas (and by the way: when is the DVD released and will TBS or Turner be broadcasting it in a 24-hour holiday marathon from here on out?)

  2. Karla

    Okay, it’s gotta be said – a Red Ryder BB gun?!? You’ll shoot your eye out!

  3. Lauren

    A gun that tells time? If you had one it could replace your watch.

    Nice loot! Are the Crocs super-light?

    • Brad

      Dang it! I forgot to mention that: my parents took my Joe Boxer “Anthill” watch and had it reconditioned. They gave it to me two days ago, which is why I think I forgot to say anything. It’s been cleaned and oiled, has a new waterproofing gasket, a new crystal, and a new band. It’s like new! Awesome!

      The Crocs are super-light. They are also super HOT. My feet were sweating. They’ll make good winter shoes.

  4. Peggy

    How about shrimp? Will Tim eat shrimp or does he take after his mom?

    Agreed…nice loot! (and do you still have Grandpa Hummel feet after a Very Merry Croc Christmas?)

    • Beth

      He tried it. He spit it out dramatically. Since his Daddy doesn’t care for shrimp either, apparently the genetics may be too strong to overcome.
      But Grandma Royuk is still hopding out hope :D.

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