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Yesterday was another party. Is that all people in Nebraska ever do?

This time it was at my aunt and uncle’s house in Lincoln. My cousins are in from Baltimore and there was an open house so everyone could greet them. It was a fun time. My cousins are doing well. Julian and Anna are house hunting right now, so it was fun to talk with them about that. I talked with Andrea about my cashmere sweater because she noticed it was soft when we hugged ‘hello’.

My aunt and uncle have an awesome house. Their basement is a monument to Nebraska Cornhusker fandom. It has memorabilia all over the wall, a giant TV, and a full bar. It was a great place for a party. I highly recommend stopping there any time you visit Nebraska. Just tell them you know me.

That's cousin-in-law Anna in the bar stool.


  1. Beth

    And, in all that partying, I made a remarkable discovery.

    It turns out that Uncle Paul is best friends with my high school math teacher’s brother. Weird, huh? And we never knew until last night.

  2. Lauren

    It’s going to say that Lloyd wrote this, but it’s really Lauren.

    Y’all haven’t lived the Nebraska experience until you go house-hunting around 1996 and see houses with carpeted basement walls (red, of course), with Big Red memorabilia all over. (These might have been formal dining spaces – I’m not sure.)

    Your aunt and uncles’ basement is too elegant to qualify for true fandom.

  3. Peggy

    Speaking of fandom…can we have a little Ravens Fandom shout out!! All of Baltimore is excitedly awaiting the outcome today…me, I’m just cooking for the crowds! (come on Beth, you’re already in so how about a little Rah for us today?)



  4. Peggy

    What the…


  5. Kristi

    Have you ever been in a Cornhusker bathroom? I have. It’s red carpet, red towels, red shower curtain, even red soap!!! Of course, the toilet coverings are Husker red, and the toilet paper even had Cornhuskers on it. True dedication to the Husker nation!

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