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A Sweet Gift

Lloyd and Lauren gave me Miracle Fruit tablets for Christmas. After eating the miracle fruit (or tablets made from this fruit), sour things taste sweet. I had first heard about miracle fruit from Logee’s, my favorite mail order place for tropical plants. I considered getting a miracle fruit plant, but I already lug so many plants inside during the winter, I decided against it.

Because of this gift, I got to try the effects of this amazing fruit anyway. We taste-tested many foods, including sour apples, sour candy, pickles, and vinegar. The most striking taste-test was with lemons. They were incredibly sweet.

I can’t help but wonder though… are there any strange side effects? If there are, Lloyd, Lauren, and Beth are in the same predicament I am. Thank goodness I won’t have to go through it alone…

Chalky-tasting tablets... sweet, sweet lemons.


  1. Beth

    It just wasn’t right. Not right at all.

    That is my hearty de-recommendation. *jibblie*

  2. Lauren

    The lemons were FABULOUS! And it was pretty cool that we could drink vinegar, too. I think it would be a great way to trick people and make some serious cash. “I’ll drink this bottle of vinegar for $100. Who’ll back me?”

  3. Angel

    It doesn’t exempt you from the effects of the acid, so I’d up it to $800 for drinking the bottle of vinegar. I’ve heard of lots of people ending up with ulcers and upset tummies after eating a bunch of citrus fruit and downing bottles of hot sauce. It’s easy to get carried away.

    Try grapefruit, strawberries, and pineapple.

  4. Peggy

    That’s Incredible!! To think all fruits could now taste like donunts…why haven’t these tablets been on CNN?

  5. Deanne

    side effects: Wiki mentions that although the taste may change (as happened in your experience with lemons), the chemical nature of the food does not. so if you ate a bushel of yummy, sweet lemons, you may find yourself with an ulcer from all of the acid.

    • Lloyd

      Aye, but ye wouldn’t have ta worry about scurvy no more.

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