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I have been giggling every time I’ve seen Tim this visit. I think he looks exactly like Ralphie from “A Christmas Story”. I watch this movie every year, and often more than once per season. Tim is a very smiley kid, so he gives the Ralphie smile frequently. So I giggle frequently.

Here he is:


  1. Carol

    Yes – I see it! Spooky.

    Apparently your parents gave the RRBB gun to the wrong grandson then…?

    [Can you wait until Tim can hold a writing utensil so he can sign autographs as Ralphie?]

  2. Beth

    He is a smiley kid! He doesn’t have his sister’s/Dad’s social caution, so he smiles at just about everyone. I like that. 😀

  3. Lauren

    The resemblance is striking! Let’s work on getting him to wear my old glasses while Beth and Harold are gone.

  4. Peggy

    Oh fuuudge!! You are right!! Tim, we always knew you were star quality!!

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