Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Last Supper

We went out for a last supper yesterday. We went to a place in Staplehurst. It was a bar that served delicious food.

Tim got a head start by having toothpaste as an appetizer, but it didn’t diminish his appetite one bit.

He kept saying: 'Paste!'

The bar had something called “Sweet corn nuggets” as an appetizer. I had to try them. We also got “fried mac and cheese”. Both were interesting. I liked the corn nuggets better.

The mac and cheese is the wedge-shaped thing on the left.  All the others are sweet corn nuggets.

I fly home tonight.

And of course I had to have a salad with Dorothy Lynch salad dressing.

So sweet and delicious...

After dinner, we had a little exercise time. It was anaerobic for me, and aerobic for Tim.

One and two and laugh and breathe...

We finished the evening with my dad’s super-awesome Manhattans. The secret is that they’re extra sweet. Mmmm…. sugar….


  1. Lauren

    Those sweet corn nuggets were amazing! Brad and Lloyd said that they were like fried creamed corn (which I’ve never had). How on earth can they do that?

  2. Peggy

    And a fun time was had by all!! Sorry your vacation has to end…for now…

    Safe travels home…and I’m pretty sure no plane has ever crashed on New Years Eve…but have a few Manhattans just in case…

  3. Peggy

    PS Might want to wear your Crocs…it’s coooold here!

    • Carol

      …and freakin’ windy today, too – has the dog’s undies in a twist. [He’s a wind-wussie.] Hope your pilot knows how to fly in wind, Brad……ahem……

      and hope you brought home with you the recipes for all the great Nebraskan foods you’ve eaten while you were there – we expect an invitation to, say, a cocktail party (including Dad’s awesome Manhattans with the 5-lb bag of sugar in them), some day soon, eh?

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