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Month: March 2009 (Page 1 of 7)

Twenty-five Thousand Miles

I missed the rollover to tweny-five thousand on my odometer. It must’ve happened on Saturday on the way back from dropping Beth at the airport. I only noticed it yesterday after school. I was on my way to the gym. I’ve been off of exercise for two weeks because my back was hurting. But I really want to get back to it. I started back yesterday by doing the elliptical for thirty minutes. My back hurts a little this morning, but I’m going to keep at it. Maybe I just need to work through the pain. After all, I’m no girly man. Unless you’re talking about heights. Or getting stung. Or watching sports. Or drinking beer.

That stupid tire pressure light just won't go off.

Bally's members can park for free here.

No Regrets

Yesterday was warm again. I didn’t even wear a jacket. Awesome! Because of handbells I wasn’t home from church until late, so I didn’t work in the garden. I did, however, browse the garden section of Lowes. When I saw a bunch of Sky Pencil Hollies, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve been looking for something to make a living fence with. The gate to my back yard used to be flanked with rose bushes, but they were too floppy and big. I needed something narrow and tall. Sky Pencil Holly bushes fit that description perfectly! I got six.

As I waited in line, I changed my mind three times about another plant I had put in the cart, but not about the hollies. It was interesting to note the difference. I would describe it as the difference between a purchase that I would regret doing and a purchase I would regret not doing.

It will take them a while to get any height at all, but they were cheap!

Butterfly Bushes

After eating a huge breakfast yesterday – which included coffee – I was feeling particularly energetic. I thought I might go to the back yard and trim the butterfly bushes a little. I ended up doing a full-blown prune job on them.

The butterfly bushes are planted on what is technically the bank’s property. Apparently, they don’t care where the line is, because years ago, before I lived in this house, the previous owner put up a fence about four feet over the line. The bank’s property is on my side of the fence. I’ve avoided planting anything too special on the bank side of the line in case they ever decide to expand their parking lot or something. Mostly I’ve taken up the space with butterfly bushes.

I’ve been trying to train the bushes to look like little trees, but it hasn’t been going so well. Their stems aren’t big enough to support the weight of their branches, so they keep flopping over. Every spring I prune them and prop them up, and every summer they fall over. Maybe I should consider something else. But the butterfly bushes are nice because they attract so many butterflies. Do you suppose that’s why they’re called butterfly bushes?

Tall and not hanging over the fence.  For now.

A Bethtastic Visit

Beth goes back to Nebraska today. It was a fun visit. It was quite a time for her to be here, what with bee class and crazy things at school, but I’m glad she was here. Besides, she’s leaving behind a wondrous assortment of gifts. I was excited to receive six original artworks by Tara. Beth also gave me a set of measuring bowls. These are the same amazing bowls that Lauren talked about. Mine are orange. I also got a Charlie Brown shirt from Lloyd’s mom. I probably won’t wear it to the gym. I tend to wear non-printed materials there. Lauren found me some cook-and-serve butterscotch pudding. I’m going to make some today! Beth also brought me some honey from Nebraska. It’s already crystallized, so I’ll probably just eat it out of the jar with a spoon. MMmmm….

Gifts of the West.

Beth’s flight leaves at 2pm. We’re just taking it easy until then. Ahhhhh….
(How do you write “ahhh” to mean that sound you make when you put your feet up and your hands behind your head? It looks just like AHHH! That sound you make when you’re falling off a building. Is it just a lower case/ upper case thing? Is it about how many A’s and H’s? hmmm…

Beekeeping Class 4: Meeting a Queen. Almost.

Beth is in town to observe the student teachers at school. We wanted to go out to eat, but I had bee class last night, so we went to a place near my class site called “By the Docks”. Michele says they have the best crab cakes. I can take or leave crab cakes, so I got prime rib. It was good. I ate some fat.

I'm the one to the far left.

Bee class was good. I’ve been thinking about whether I would keep bees or not. The stinging part of things has been sort of freaking me out. I seem to have a disproportionate fear of being stung. After class last night I was excited about having bees again. But this morning I’m thinking about the stings again.

In bee class we learned about bee diseases. Steve had six recommendations for a healthy hive. They all seem pretty easy. One of his recommendations was to re-queen each year. Queens only live for about two years, so he said once a year you should take out the old one and put a new one in. You can order them in the mail. They come in a tiny little box with a few attendant bees. He brought a live queen along so we could see her, but something happened and she and all her attendants died. He was sad.

The queen is the one to the far left (with the red dot of paint).

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