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Ibuprofen Storage

I’ve had a little back pain lately. I’m writing about it so I can remember when it started: two nights ago. I woke up Monday morning and my back and leg hurt.

My drug of choice when my back hurts is ibuprofen. I have a bottle at school and a bottle at home. I’ve been having trouble deciding where to keep my “home” bottle. The obvious location would be behind the bathroom mirror. But I often want to take the ibuprofen with some food, and unless you count toothpaste, there’s no food in the bathroom. So I’ve been keeping it downstairs in the kitchen. This way, I take it with my breakfast. It’s also closer for when I want to get at it in the evening.

So my next decision is what to do about exercise. Will it make my back worse? I exercised on Monday, and I felt my back twinge. Yesterday I had a dentist appointment after school so I didn’t exercise, and my back hurt anyway. Would it be prudent to lay off the exercise for a couple days, or would it be lazy? I’ll pack my exercise clothes today and decide after school’s out.

I keep it with the Carnation Instant Breakfast.

I bet the title of this post is going to get me all kinds of spam.


  1. Lauren

    I think it’s probably time for that back transplant. Try to get one with spikes or wings, for maximum awesomeness.

    • Deanne

      Wings. definitely.

  2. Peggy

    You mean you haven’t developed a standard ‘back gauge’ yet?

    Mine is: If less than 4 Ibus. are needed, carry on…carry on.

    Maybe yours could be: If I can put on my socks without to much cringing, carry on…carry on.

    (Disclaimer: If it’s a Must See TV night, the gauge is void & invalid)

  3. Peggy

    …oh and why would the post title result in people sending you pre-cooked meat?

  4. Peggy

    …and why do you have 2 boxless cereals?

    • Brad

      I got the stupid multi-pack at the membership warehouse store. It was three bags of cereal in a giant box. I hate them… stupid boxless cereals…

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