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Working at Home

Still not quite done with the data-entry part of my grading, I brought my computer home last night. I don’t often even attempt to do work at home. Work and home are incompatable. There are too many distractions and I have no comfortable place to do any kind of serious paperwork.

Last night I brought my computer home on the off chance that I might do something with it. And I actually did! I entered scores for the seventh grade. It took forever! I think I’ll stick with working at school. This “work at home” stuff just doesn’t work for me.

It was a Mutual of Omaha commercial.


  1. Lauren

    Whew! That t.v. is so big, I thought you were trying to do your data entry in a movie theater. That would never work. Well, maybe it would. You should definitely try it out. 🙂

  2. Lloyd

    I brought a set of tests home to grade over our three day weekend, and just couldn’t seem to get around to them.

    • Brad

      I know, right? When would TV ever get watched or computer games ever get played if I was always bringing work home?

      What was your day off for? Was it to commemorate the day in 1919 that Benito Mussolini founded his Fascist political movement in Milan, Italy?

      • Lauren

        I think it was Officially ‘Lloyd Sitting Around Day’. It should be marked on everyone’s calendar.

  3. Peggy

    Scores? When did you take the 7th grade bowling?

    (I think you’re making good progress entering all 7th grade grades…it depends how you look at it…is the glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty?)

  4. Deanne

    Interesting… I always liked the lower-productivity-while-movie-watching of doing rote stuff like entering data at home.

    • Karla

      I’m with you, Deanne!

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