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A New Favorite

This past weekend, I was browsing through the bargain book area of the bookstore and saw a book on optical illusions. I’m always looking for new additions to my “Spare Time Reading” shelf at school, so I got it.

It was perfect! The kids love it – especially the boys. I’ve seen kids arguing over it. I’ve seen kids sit transfixed. I’ve had to take it away from kids who were supposed to be paying attention in class. It has all the qualities I want in a book for my classroom: desirability, worthy of repeated looks, and no boobies (the Guinness Book of World Records has a picture of a booby lady that has given me no end of trouble).

Well done, Brad. Well done.

Poor Guinness is now in second place.


  1. Lauren

    Wow! Mesmerizing!!!

    I hear you about the booby lady. We have a set of Dorling Kinderserly children’s encyclopedias. In the art book, it has a full-frontal picture of Michelangelo’s David. David now wears polka-dot shorts.

    Hi, Beth – have fun today!

    • Deborah

      Who drew on the shorts?
      Also, what are people thinking when they put these things in children’s books? In All God’s People Sing they have the word “ass” in “What Child Is This”. Try singing that with 5th graders.

      • Lauren

        heh heh…. you said ‘ass’.

        I drew the shorts on a label and dressed him, so I got to choose the polka-dot colors. Blue, purple, and green.

  2. Lloyd

    That should be one of your classroom rules: No Frontal Nudity.

  3. Deanne

    You’re a good man

  4. Kim

    Love, love, love, love, love green and purple. It reminds me of the TNG episode “The Game” when everyone was addicted to a game except for Data. I am clicking on the link again…

    • Peggy

      I’m pretty sure if you stare long enough, you’ll be transported back to 1960…Oooo, behave!

      (BTW: What record does the booby lady hold?)

      • Brad

        There is a whole section on body records. She has the biggest boobies. But the woman with the smallest waist makes me ill.

  5. Peggy

    And a ‘BIG WELCOME’ to Beth! I hope you enjoy your visit! 🙂

  6. Lauren

    I also love that sweet little sign thumbtacked up over the books. Good font.

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