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Butterfly Bushes

After eating a huge breakfast yesterday – which included coffee – I was feeling particularly energetic. I thought I might go to the back yard and trim the butterfly bushes a little. I ended up doing a full-blown prune job on them.

The butterfly bushes are planted on what is technically the bank’s property. Apparently, they don’t care where the line is, because years ago, before I lived in this house, the previous owner put up a fence about four feet over the line. The bank’s property is on my side of the fence. I’ve avoided planting anything too special on the bank side of the line in case they ever decide to expand their parking lot or something. Mostly I’ve taken up the space with butterfly bushes.

I’ve been trying to train the bushes to look like little trees, but it hasn’t been going so well. Their stems aren’t big enough to support the weight of their branches, so they keep flopping over. Every spring I prune them and prop them up, and every summer they fall over. Maybe I should consider something else. But the butterfly bushes are nice because they attract so many butterflies. Do you suppose that’s why they’re called butterfly bushes?

Tall and not hanging over the fence.  For now.


  1. Lloyd

    I too shall call them butterfly bushes from now on. In fact, I might just call every bush that from now on.

  2. Lauren

    Looks good to me. Is your fence a little mossy or are you painting it to match the plants?

    We were going to plant butterfly bushes at school but then heard that they also attract bees. Do you get bees?

    • Brad

      The fence is mossy. I really like it, but I know it’s a bad sign.

      I do get bees. But I will share with you my bee class teacher’s passionate plea that we tell everyone that bees and wasps are not the same animal. Bees are very gentle and will not sting unless they are squeezed or their home is threatened. Wasps sting for the fun of it.

      • Lloyd

        What if your mere existence was considered a threat to bees?

        • Brad

          Kind of like the 0th law?

      • Lauren

        Agreed about the bees. We are working on making the playground into a natural environment and learned about the bees leaving you alone if you leave them alone. I couldn’t find a way to make that fit into my comment without making me sound crazy. I’m really fighting looking crazy lately.

  3. Beth

    I have returned from my AWESOME little trip to Baltimore!! YAY for fun trips!!! 😀

    Speaking of Brad’s yard, I should say that the pond is more spectacular in person that in pictures. Just so you all know.

  4. Karla

    Hey Brad, it seems that your Sham-Wow friend is in a bit of trouble. But Fark sure did have a good time with the story.

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