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Forty-five Dollars

I went out yesterday! Yippee! First I went to see “The Lightning Thief”. It was a fun movie. Nothing amazing, but fun. I haven’t read the book so I can’t comment on that too much, but I did hear someone talking about it afterward and they said that Ares was completely left out. Poor Ares.

After the movie, I went to the mall. It was a madhouse. I guess everyone else was suffering from a little cabin fever too. I had a delicious Fuddrucker’s hamburger (it’s the closest thing to Culver’s around here), and did a lot of window shopping. While I was at Macy’s I saw some tiny Polo brand shirts. I’m not good at guessing sizes and ages and such, but I would say they were three-year-old sized.

Tiny shirt.

BIG price.

I couldn’t believe how expensive they were. People spend this kind of money on a shirt that a kid will outgrow in a few months? Just a moment before I saw this, I decided that spending $30 on a shirt for me was too much, and I would’ve worn it for the next seven years. But I guess I have spent that much on a meal before, and I use that far shorter than a few months. So I guess it’s all relative.


  1. Lauren

    Whew – I’m glad you said that was a kid’s shirt, because when I saw the picture I thought it was a giant logo!

    One bad habit that some preschoolers have is to stretch their shirt over their knees while sitting on the floor. Now when I tell them to stop I can add, “That shirt might have cost forty-five dollars!”

  2. kiwe

    So…..I’m a RL fan, and yes Lauren the logo really is big. there last collection out all had really big logos, it’s just the style. The reason this shirt is so expensive is because it’s olympic gear.

  3. Lloyd

    Funny you should mention that. Just yesterday we were in a shoe store and saw toddler boots for One Hundred Thirty of your Earth Dollars.

    • Peggy

      hehe…earth dollars…HA!

      I was out yesterday too & I thought maybe it was Christmas time or something. It was a zoo! It scared me so I came home.

      (I’m going to the movies later today & when I saw the new movies out, I said to myself, “I bet Brad sees ‘The Lightning Thief’ this weekend. Ha–I really do have powers! Any guess as to which one I’m going to?)

      Valentines Day
      The Wolfman
      The Lighting Thief
      When In Rome

      • Brad


        I keep second-guessing myself based on the order in which you wrote the choices. I will guess “Valentine’s Day”

  4. Michele

    I thought you were going to see Percy Jackson?

    • Brad

      I did. The whole title of the movie is “Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief”

      • Michele

        Obviously I don’t know my movie titles, or at least long titles – that would require reading! Ha!

  5. Carol

    I honor a comparable pledge about how much to spend for a purse: never spend more for it than you tend to keep inside it. Since I rarely carry much cash, the cheaper the purse, the better. The last “real” purse I bought was 35% off at the Hallmark store (that red ladybug one I use in the spring and summer) or it never would have found its way home with me. And, like you, I’ll use the same one forever, so dividing by the number of years of use it’s practically free! I agree – $45 for a white shirt that will get ice cream or spaghetti sauce on it first time out and never be the same again is just crazy.

  6. Anna


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