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My Fuzzy Valentine

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a Valentine’s card from a cat before, but yesterday I did.

It even looks like Max.

Denis said he couldn't figure out a way to stamp Max's paw print.


  1. Lauren

    That Max is so thoughtful! Did he also send you some mouse-filled chocolates?

    (Denis – you funny.) 🙂

  2. Carol

    Now what’s so unusual about this?? At our house, both the dog and the cat give cards to their humans – I mean, it’s the least they can do for us changing their litter boxes, feeding them, spending more money on them at the vet than we spend on our own health care…The theme of the cards is usually similar, too – “We rule; humans are our servants.” And your point?

    Sorry to see how corpulent Max has apparently become, though. Perhaps he hangs out with our own teenage feline? “Moose” must weigh 12 lbs already – one has to wonder about throwing out one’s back just lifting him! And a pink bow? Hope none of his feline friends noticed that.

  3. Kristi

    Got to love how the & sign is a treble clef. Max definitely knew the card was just for you, Brad.

  4. Peggy

    A-ha! Now I get who those crazy filled hearts were intended for I saw at the store Saturday! I hope you received one Max! You deserve it…you sweet thing you!

    • Peggy

      …hearts filled with raw meat that is.

      • Lloyd

        Pretty much any heart will do. It just depends on who you take it out of.

        • Carol


  5. Anna

    Does Max go to kitty school or something?!?!?!?Where did he learn to write!?!?!?!This is just plain weird!?!?!?!?!Mostly, I didn’t think he would be that thoughtful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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