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It’s my fault. The record amounts of snow. The days and days off of school. We’re off again today. And it’s my fault. I wore the Snow Tie.

On Thursday the fourth of February (the last time we had school), I really wanted to have a day off of school, so I wore my Snow Tie. It has the ability to make it snow. I didn’t know how powerful it had become. I didn’t know it would cause us to have six unscheduled days off (plus the two scheduled ones… plus two weekends). I won’t be wearing the tie again because I can only wear each of my ties once per school year. I don’t think I’d want to wear it again. It will stay on the “already worn” section of the tie rack. Until next year.

See how the design looks like snowflakes?


  1. Lauren

    You’re Mr. Snow Miser!

    What happens when you wear the bug tie? Plagues of locusts descend and destroy crops? Contain your powers, man!

  2. Carol

    Whew! I was feeling awful about wearing my snowman earrings, my snowman necklace…Thanks for taking the rap, friend!

  3. Brady G.

    I’ll pay you to wear it again! Name your price.

  4. Peggy

    Wear the M&M tie, wear the M&M tie! I’ll bring my buckets!

  5. Lloyd

    You should have a little sidebar widget that shows what tie you’re wearing each day. If you wanted to get fancy, you could also have a poll for which tie to wear tomorrow.

    • Michele

      Dear Optimistic Lloyd – are you suggesting we might finally have school tomorrow? That would be the only reason Brad would wear a tie.
      Oh wait – there is Ash Wednesday service. Brad, do you have a special tie for Ash Wednesday?

  6. Rachel (Sam's)

    Will you kindly ship your snow tie to Sam so that he can wear it in St. Louis? Thank you in advance.

  7. Kristi

    Don’t you have a sunshine tie? We could sure use it to melt the snow!

  8. Anna

    These really can help me to get to know your life!I’m really surprised shoveling snow doesn’t bother you too much!I’ve tried it myself and my fingers literally froze in only a few minutes…mmmmm…taco…opps sorry i’m distracted by supper!

    • Brad

      Anna! Hi! It’s my niece Anna, everybody.

      My fingers get cold, too, but it’s my back getting tired that makes me come inside again. And it’s not as cold in Baltimore as it is in Nebraska.

      Tacos sound good, but I’m making a big bowl of green beans. I would put lemon juice on them, but it expired a year ago. I should probably throw it away.

      • Carol

        Oh, Brad….

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