Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


I actually did some things yesterday. It was our last day off. The rest of this week we have two hour delays.

I finally staked the bloom spike on my bathroom orchid. I will be posting a picture of its blooms very soon now I think.
Because of the snow I had trouble finding a stick.

I did my wash. I was out of long-sleeved casual shirts. Maybe I need to buy some more. Time for another trip to Banana Republic for more copies of my favorite shirt?
It's the folding I dislike.  If I could skip that part, I'd do laundry more frequently.

I also went to school. It was my first time spent there since the snow came. I get so much more work done there than at home. I mostly talked with Debbie, but I also got some computer work done. And I put some new art on my classroom wall.
In 6th grade, we talked about how nobody knows what Jesus looked like, then I had them draw a picture of him.


  1. Lauren

    I love those pictures!! That is an excellent display. 🙂

    As far as your casual shirt situation, I think that will resolve itself now that you will have far, far, far fewer casual days, yes?

  2. Peggy

    Nice artwork!

    I was productive yesterday too…because I was at work! 🙁 But I have enjoyed the barren roads on my way in…I’ve had time to stop for egg & bacon sandwiches! Woo hoo!

    Enjoy your day! 🙂

    • Carol

      [What?! No “bacon” comment yet from Michele??]

      …and no mention of a birthday card and bag left on your chair, sir?


      See if you get any fine Dollar Tree merchandise from this girl in the future!

      • Brad

        Hehe… I love the pens with the pointy hands on them. And I’ll have fun thinking of some way to use the Marvel Comics coloring book in 6th Grade Religion.

  3. Kristi

    What color is your bathroom wall? That’s a very soothing color, me thinks.

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