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Christmas in February

I got Christmas presents in the mail yesterday!

Lloyd and Lauren had told me about this, but I forgot: Since I’m always buying “The Economist” magazine when I fly to Nebraska, they got me a subscription for Christmas. Woo hoo! I like “The Economist” because it has an international feeling to it. And there aren’t many pictures. And there are no articles about celebrities and their relationship habits. I don’t know if I’ll be able to read the magazines cover-to-cover like I do on a plane trip, because they will come once a week. But I will certainly enjoy trying.

Merry Christmas, everybody! God bless us – every one!

I got two in one day!


  1. Lauren

    Merry Christmas from the worst friends in the world! Not only did you get a really, really late present, but we got you the gift of work.

    Jim Gaffigan did a bit on that. “I got a book for Christmas. Who gives a book? That’s like making me do a book report. Here, I have a present for you – mow my lawn.”

  2. Lloyd

    Interestingly, the charge for Brad’s present just came on our credit card, and we spent a fair amount of time trying to remember just what that was.

  3. Peggy

    Oh good! Now you can explain the economy to me…in layman terms please!

  4. Michele

    Man! A birthday that lasted two weeks and now Christmas in February! You are one lucky dude!

    • Carol

      What she said!

  5. Carol

    If you really enjoy reading things from publications with few pictures and no stories about celebrity relationships, particularly those with an “international feeling”…

    …have you ever considered trying Pravada? ‘Course, after a while you may start calling others “comrade” or something, but maybe that’s no big deal in the end…

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