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Unwelcome Savings

We had parent/teacher conferences after school last night. I foolishly hadn’t packed any dinner, so by the time I was done at 7:45, I was really hungry. I decided to stop at Burger King and get some good ol’ greasy junk food. I prefer cheeseburgers over Whoppers. There is a different flavor to them… a different meat-to-bread ratio. I ordered a cheeseburger and large fries. It would be a feast!

But when I got home, something was wrong. My cheeseburger was too heavy. There was extra meat on it! Had they made a mistake? I had clearly said “cheeseburger”. I looked on the receipt. It said: “BK Double”. Then I realized what they had done. Double cheeseburgers are part of some $1 promotion. Regular cheeseburgers are more expensive. They had changed my order to save me money. But they did it without my permission. I don’t like that.

I prefer cheeseburgers. I would pay more to have one. Of course, this morning since I am out from under the haze of my ravenous hunger it occurs to me that I could have simply removed one of the meat patties. But I still don’t like that they didn’t ask me. That wouldn’t fly under other circumstances:

“I’d like a Honda Civic please.”
“Here is your Honda Ridgeline for less money”

The second fries was for Denis.


  1. Peggy

    Yea, don’t mess with my food!

    Speaking of food….I haven’t quite figured out all the stuff on my new car & apparently I keep accidently putting my headlights on ‘Auto’ & then can’t figure out how to take that off. (Joe has shown me a couple times but I keep forgetting). Anyway, don’t tell me when I should put my lights on & off car. How dare you! And I hate it when I try to put them on on the back roads during the day & you won’t let me! I have to do something else weird so they stay on. You think you’re smarter than me car? Lets see who’s smarter when I rip your little auto switch right off & throw it out the window! (That’s of course when I figure out how to open my windows just a little bit instead of all the way down each time-stupid car)

    • Karla

      We just got a car that has auto headlights and I LOVE it!! The lights also stay on after we turn off the car, so I like to see if anyone will tell me that I left my lights on.

    • Carol

      Saaaayyyy…didn’t I hear something recently about a Hundai Sonata recall – something about the driver’s side door, I think? Maybe it’s somehow all connected to the auto headlights and stuff and when you get your car back it will calming submit to your manual overrides. We can hope…

  2. Lauren

    Stupid Burger King. I just read an article about this on one of my frugal people websites. Sometimes it’s about worth vs. cost. It is worth it to you to have less meat and pay more.

    It would be worth it to me to have Lloyd buy individual packages of applesauce, instead of the cheapest jar, because we usually have three jars of applesauce going bad in the fridge because he has one serving then forgets it’s in there.

    After it’s all said and done, that is a tasty-looking burger.

    • Carol

      Amen on the applesauce concept, dear lady. We have had the same problem at this house in the past and are now buying the individual containers of all fruit products. I then wash out the plastic bowl thingies with hot water and soap and bring them to school for when I need small containers for a science lab. Definitely “worth” it IMHO.

  3. Beth

    Maybe next time you could order a Bk Double with one burger patty. Do you think they would do that? Aren’t they a “have it your way” kind of place?

    Lloyd would make it happen.

    • Brad

      HA! Beth FTW! I want to try that for real!

      Sorry for the “FTW”… I wanted to see if I could pull it off. Does it work for me, or should I leave it to cooler internet-speak people? …or am I behind the curve and no one cool uses it anymore?

      • Karla

        Leave it for the cooler internet-speak people… ๐Ÿ˜‰

        If it’s not being used anymore, then all of my fellow farkers and farkettes are behind the curve as well because I see it often on fark.com.

        • Brad

          Thanks for the input, Karla. I knew I could depend on you guys for a response. It didn’t feel right to me, which is why I asked.

      • Beth

        I’m not even cool enough to know what FTW means. I had to google it.

  4. Kristi

    You actually had 14 cents? Are you one of those guys who carries a coin purse in your pocket?

    • Michele

      Very observant Karla!

      Thanks Brad! You are responsible for my juicy burger craving today!

      • Michele

        I mean Kristi! Sorry ๐Ÿ™

        Brad – I went to Five Guys tonight thanks to you!
        I almost sent you a picture text of my double patty with bacon and cheese ๐Ÿ™‚ It was all that I expected and more.

    • Brad

      I was in drive through, so I could dig through my car’s coin receptacle. I could easily have given her fourteen pennies.

  5. Carol

    [What! Nobody’s commenting on how the fries cost over 400% more than the double burger??!! Now THAT’s not “worth” it in my humble opinion.]

    How sad that I wound up at a different Burger King after conferences than yours; I could have relieved you of the extra patty and saved myself the carbs of my bun. It could have been a win-win! Oh, well – QSS (in the “words” of Doris Day).

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