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Month: February 2010 (Page 2 of 6)

Black Tungsten

I got a new ring in the mail yesterday from Sparkle Cartel. It’s a black tungsten ring. I can imagine there might be a time when black-tie attire could require a black ring. Plus, it’s tungsten so it will stay shiny forever. The literature says black tungsten is regular tungsten with an electroplate coating. I’m curious to see how durable it is.

I wore it to church choir practice last night. So far, I have mixed feelings. It is very cool looking because it’s quite black. But the finish doesn’t seem to have the same depth as my regular tungsten rings. I’ll be wearing it all day today to see how I like it. At about thirty-five bucks, it’s a cheap experiment.

I like pictures of my feet better than pictures of my hands.  Maybe I should wear the ring on my toe.

Going to Kathmandu

I went to an Indian/Nepalese restaurant yesterday called Kathmandu Kitchen. They have a buffet on Sundays that is wonderful. One of my favorites is a hot vegetable dish with potatoes and cauliflower. Looking on their online menu, I think it’s Aloo Kauli. It has these little seeds in it that spice the whole dish. I would almost eat the seeds plain. I love how they taste. My other favorite is Chicken Tikka Masala. The sauce is extremely creamy. I feel full just thinking about it.

But I couldn’t leave without having dessert. They have gulab jamun! Mmmm… It’s like donut holes floating in honey. They’re so good. And I could eat as many as I wanted! Unfortunately, I was already full, so I could only eat three.

Sweet, sweet deliciousness...

Bad Cat

I was sitting in the living room on Thursday night watching TV when I heard a crash from the kitchen. Rushing in, I saw Max looking guilty and my haworthias in the sink with their planter cracked in half. I yelled and stomped to scare Max, but he only thought I was trying to play or something, so I smacked his behind. He scampered out of the room. The only reason Max was even able to get up on the kitchen counter was because I left a bar stool pulled out and he jumped up on it, so I felt a little like it was my fault. But Max should know better. And I really liked that planter. It was just the right size for my little haworthias.

I went searching yesterday for a replacement, but I don’t like what I got. So I’d hate to admit it to Max, but his smashing of the old pot has given me a pleasant task: I must do more pot shopping today.

I could probably glue it, but it's more fun to shop for something new.

This isn't a photo from the actual incident.  It's a dramatization.

Carnation and Mangoes

I went to my local discount membership warehouse last night so I could replenish my Carnation Instant Breakfast supply. The warehouse people have decided to use those stupid carts that lock together and can only be unlocked with a quarter. I’ve complained more than once, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect. Last night when I went to get a cart, I found one that wasn’t locked. When I left the store, I got to keep the quarter! Woo hoo!

I didn't realize there was a booger on one of the quarters, otherwise I would have flipped it over before the picture.

While I was shopping, I decided to look for dried mangoes. I don’t really care for fresh mangoes. They can have a sharp taste that reminds me of pine trees. But these dried mangoes are tasty. And it has to be this particular brand. I’ve tried others. The brand name is “Philippine”. As it turns out, these mangoes are from the same region as Denis – the Cebu region. Anyway, “Philippine” brand dried mangoes are much sweeter because they’re covered in sugar. Mmm… sugar… Is there anything it can’t do?

I ate a bunch of them because they're good for me!

Christmas in February

I got Christmas presents in the mail yesterday!

Lloyd and Lauren had told me about this, but I forgot: Since I’m always buying “The Economist” magazine when I fly to Nebraska, they got me a subscription for Christmas. Woo hoo! I like “The Economist” because it has an international feeling to it. And there aren’t many pictures. And there are no articles about celebrities and their relationship habits. I don’t know if I’ll be able to read the magazines cover-to-cover like I do on a plane trip, because they will come once a week. But I will certainly enjoy trying.

Merry Christmas, everybody! God bless us – every one!

I got two in one day!

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