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Month: February 2010 (Page 3 of 6)

Ron Smith

I was already listening to talk radio when I moved to Baltimore, but once I found Ron Smith, it got really interesting. I like him because he has libertarian sentiments, but is very level-headed. He’s on in the afternoons until 6pm, so I can often listen to 15 minutes of his show on my way home. Sometimes I’ve even sat in my truck for a minute or two to hear the end of a conversation he’s having with a guest.

Over the snow day break, I discovered something wonderful: The radio station he’s on has a cable channel, and during his show they point a camera at him and let it run. I can watch his radio show! Now that school’s back in session, I can only catch the end of the show, but still… It’s Ron Smith! He’s on my TV!

It's fun seeing his radio voice come out of an actual person.


I actually did some things yesterday. It was our last day off. The rest of this week we have two hour delays.

I finally staked the bloom spike on my bathroom orchid. I will be posting a picture of its blooms very soon now I think.
Because of the snow I had trouble finding a stick.

I did my wash. I was out of long-sleeved casual shirts. Maybe I need to buy some more. Time for another trip to Banana Republic for more copies of my favorite shirt?
It's the folding I dislike.  If I could skip that part, I'd do laundry more frequently.

I also went to school. It was my first time spent there since the snow came. I get so much more work done there than at home. I mostly talked with Debbie, but I also got some computer work done. And I put some new art on my classroom wall.
In 6th grade, we talked about how nobody knows what Jesus looked like, then I had them draw a picture of him.


It’s my fault. The record amounts of snow. The days and days off of school. We’re off again today. And it’s my fault. I wore the Snow Tie.

On Thursday the fourth of February (the last time we had school), I really wanted to have a day off of school, so I wore my Snow Tie. It has the ability to make it snow. I didn’t know how powerful it had become. I didn’t know it would cause us to have six unscheduled days off (plus the two scheduled ones… plus two weekends). I won’t be wearing the tie again because I can only wear each of my ties once per school year. I don’t think I’d want to wear it again. It will stay on the “already worn” section of the tie rack. Until next year.

See how the design looks like snowflakes?

Forty-five Dollars

I went out yesterday! Yippee! First I went to see “The Lightning Thief”. It was a fun movie. Nothing amazing, but fun. I haven’t read the book so I can’t comment on that too much, but I did hear someone talking about it afterward and they said that Ares was completely left out. Poor Ares.

After the movie, I went to the mall. It was a madhouse. I guess everyone else was suffering from a little cabin fever too. I had a delicious Fuddrucker’s hamburger (it’s the closest thing to Culver’s around here), and did a lot of window shopping. While I was at Macy’s I saw some tiny Polo brand shirts. I’m not good at guessing sizes and ages and such, but I would say they were three-year-old sized.

Tiny shirt.

BIG price.

I couldn’t believe how expensive they were. People spend this kind of money on a shirt that a kid will outgrow in a few months? Just a moment before I saw this, I decided that spending $30 on a shirt for me was too much, and I would’ve worn it for the next seven years. But I guess I have spent that much on a meal before, and I use that far shorter than a few months. So I guess it’s all relative.

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