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Month: February 2010 (Page 4 of 6)

Thanksgiving in February

I don’t believe I’ve ever done this before: I cooked a turkey and it wasn’t Thanksgiving.

Denis got a free turkey from work at Thanksgiving time, but since my family was in town, I had bought a giant turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. That little 11.5 pound turkey has been in the freezer ever since. Yesterday I cooked it. I didn’t bother with all the regular trimmings. I just made mashed potatoes. I had a meal of turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy. Mmmm… it was soooo good.

Note for next time: I used red potatoes and left the skins on, since I was being lazy. I didn’t care for skin-in mashed potatoes along with my turkey. I won’t do that again.

It was so little and cute!

Something to Show for It

I didn’t waste the entire day yesterday. Denis went to work, driving through snow and slush to get out of Evergreen Ave. I shoveled his parking spot and my truck and the road itself. I felt important as people passed by and admired my hard work. By the time I finished, I was actually able to make the short trip to the grocery store. I drove!

Later in the day I cleaned the kitchen floor. The tiles get ugly-dirty. I typically sweep, then spray each tile with cleaner and wipe it with paper towels. I don’t know that I’d eat off this floor, but it looks nicer than when I started. And I did something yesterday!

I know, I know... I've heard it a million times: I should really put some sealer on that grout.


I was bored yesterday. I have sat at the computer long enough that I’m tired of it. I have watched TV long enough that I’m tired of it. I have taken naps enough that I’m tired of them. Well, actually, I’m not tired after I take them, but you know what I mean. But I am not bored enough that I have started doing work.

To take breaks from the boredom, I go outside and shovel. Yesterday evening after the snow was mostly done falling, I went out to shovel the sidewalk. A couple of kids walked by with their dog. It was funny because the dog had to jump through the snow. It was too deep for the dog to walk. The kids were laughing. It made me laugh too. I tried to take a picture of them. This is what I got:

See the dog's tail?

Stupid snow.

Today maybe I’ll be bored enough to do some kind of work. Or not.

Get the Milk and Toilet Paper!

I don’t know what I did yesterday. It was morning, then suddenly it was evening. Then it was evening and it was morning, the next day.

Actually, I did make one foray into the snowpocalyptic cityscape. I walked to the grocery store. I was out of milk and toilet paper. I was really embarrassed to be buying milk and toilet paper before this, our next big storm. It’s the stereo-typical Baltimorean thing to buy before snowstorms: milk, bread, and toilet paper. But the guy at the cash register didn’t give me a hard time at all.

Good ol' Angel Soft... But they aren't double rolls.

Last night we had more snow. Today, even more. After this wave of snow is done, we’re supposed to have ANOTHER 20 inches or so. Sheesh!

For Lloyd:

Birthday Snow Day

Yesterday was nice. I started the day with some invigorating exercise as I shoveled snow. It felt good to do something other than sit around.

After shoveling, I sat around. And graded. Yes, Michele, I graded. By the time I finished the particular stacks I was working on, it was time for lunch. Denis said he would go to Bertucci’s with me. Peggy had just called to wish me a Happy Birthday, so I asked if she could meet us. What an enjoyable time! I had a Manhattan, ate salty tilapia and buttery spinach, and had free tiramisu. Free! Peggy gave me some little presents, the coolest of which was a TV Guide from the week of February 8, 1970. The week I was born! The ads are hilarious.

After lunch I went to Lowe’s and got light bulbs and birdseed. What a delightfully normal thing to do. After being snowed in for three days, I went to a home improvement store for light bulbs and birdseed.

On returning home, Denis’ car got high-centered at the entrance to Evergreen Ave from Harford. We dug and chipped and nothing worked. Neighbors Carl and Terry and a friend of theirs came over and helped, and finally freed the car after much work. Denis wanted to dig the road a little because he has to go to work today.

So I ended the day like it began: shoveling snow. What a happy, happy birthday. I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

The evening's work.  Those tire tracks weren't there before we started.

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