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Disney Day

I went on the annual eighth grade trip to Disneyland yesterday.

We went on many fun rides. Many of them included earworm musical tunes as part of the experience. Here’s “It’s a Small World”

Besides the rides, I enjoyed some delicious junk food. Pretzel with cheese:

Warm chocolate chip cookie:

And my favorite – chocolate covered frozen banana:

I also saw many exciting plants. When I was rose shopping a while ago (the post about which I would link to, but I’m writing this as I ride home from Disney at 12:30am), I saw a variety of rose called “Disney”. I knew exactly where that variety was, because I had seen it last year on the eighth grade trip to Disney (the post about which I would link to, but I’m writing this as I ride home from Disney at 12:30am), I saw it again yesterday! Here it is:

I also saw some begonias. I love begonias!

We stayed til midnight. There were no fireworks, but there was a light show:

I don’t know what time I went to bed last night, because I’m writing this as I ride home from Disney at 12:30am. I’m guessing it was pretty late.


  1. Lauren

    I would ask some questions, but you were riding home from Disney at 12:30am. (Those repetitions cracked me up as well as made me feel bad for you.)

    I pray that you don’t have school today and can maybe sleep in a little?

  2. Carol

    Lauren took my comment – especially the part about having no school today because Tuesday seems an odd day for a day-long field trip unless the students wouldn’t have classes the next day.

    Sadly, I’m going with, “They didn’t – but chaperone teachers still had to be at school, so…”

    Go take a nap, Brad. It’s 12:30 a.m. somewhere now…

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