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Delicious Day

Yesterday morning when I went out to my car, I saw that my iris was blooming! Woo hoo! I stopped to smell it for a while. It smells just like grape Kool-Aid! Yum!

During the school day, I walked the eighth grade to a park next to school. We hung out and talked and enjoyed the morning. While walking the park, I noticed that there were honeysuckle plants. Honeysuckles! I smelled them too, because they’re so sweet-smelling.

And then I drank some nectar. You break of the end, then pull the pistil out, and there it is. Yum!

Can you see the drop of nectar on then end of the flower?

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Lloyd showed me honeysuckle in Omaha once time. I never knew that was a thing! God does some cool stuff.

    If I remember correctly, today is a half day for you? Woo-hoo! (If I’m wrong, save this woo-hoo for later, please.). 😀

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