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Graduation Celebration

Eighth grade graduation was yesterday. It went well. The kids did a great job, and the families were all lovely.

After graduation, there was a banquet at a local event venue. It’s made up to look like an Italian village.

It was a fun night. Good food, and then some dancing. I did get out there on the dance floor. It was hard to dance because I didn’t know the songs. They needed to play some 80’s songs…


  1. Lauren

    Zoinks!! That is incredibly fancy! I am in shock over how extravagant it all looks. That’s a heckuva event center!

    Does this mean….. some relief? 😀

  2. Peggy

    WOW! That venue is beautiful!! How very fancy! What was the menu?

    • Brad

      Peggy – I forgot to answer this. They had a delicious salad, baked ziti, and chicken parm.

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