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Mall Walking

Yesterday I went to a mall I’ve never been at before. It was fun to see a new place! The mall is long and skinny.

That guy looked like Bob Ross

It didn’t have very many people, so it didn’t seem like it’s doing very well, but there were a lot of stores there, so that was good. One of the anchor stores was Target. They were having some kind of Star Wars event, and there was an R2-D2 made of LEGO, and people making tiny fighter ships at a table, and Chewbacca. Like a real, super-tall, Chewbacca-noise-making, Chewbacca. People were taking pictures with him. I walked past at first, then went back to take a picture, but he was gone.

I did see something else amazing though: Girl-Scout-cookie-flavored shampoo and conditioner!


  1. Carol

    I have concerns about shampoo with ANY flavors, but I bet it would be fun to walk around after a shower and have people think you just ate a Trifoil or Thin Mint cookie.

  2. Lauren

    That mall kind of looks like that bridge you went over.

    I’m with Carol – cookie-scented hair? Somebody in their development/marketing department needs to consider a different career choice

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