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Restaurant Re-visit

I went to Panera Bread to eat yesterday.

I hadn’t been there in ages! I tried to do the self-serve kiosk. It went mostly ok. At the end it asked if I wanted to tip, which seemed weird, because I did everything myself.

The broccoli cheddar soup looked different – less orange. It tasted like I remembered though. The salad was fine.

I used to go there all the time. I probably won’t be back again for a while. It was just ok. I wonder if the food changed, or if I did.


  1. Carol

    We hardly use Panera any more ourselves, Brad. They have indeed changed their menu recently, and discontinued a sandwich with avocado that Thurman liked. [The tipping nonsense started right after reopening after COVID – that seems to have struck everywhere actually – and I generally ignore it. Pay your employees a decent wage and stop harassing customers for extra money after they have already ordered your not-so-reasonably-priced food.]

  2. Lauren

    I have only been to Panera once in the past decade, and it was not a good experience. They were very understaffed and the food was so pricey. I’m glad your soup was right, though.

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