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Design Developments

I got a new bedspread for my bed. It’s quilty. I like quilty.

I think I’m almost ready to hang things on the walls. I have so many nice pictures and paintings and such, but I haven’t hung anything because in my mind, it’s the last thing you should do. And it feels so permanent. You put holes in the wall, for goodness sakes!

I might get to the walls in the next few days. I’m leaving for Nebraska on Monday, so time’s ticking…


  1. Carol

    3M Command Strips/Hooks are the best of all worlds, sir – no holes needed in the walls and they are removable if you no longer need them where you originally put them (although latex paint may tend to stretch out with the hooks when it is removed, but I digress). We have defaulted to them for ages because we are continually moving around/changing up the stitched-and-framed pieces that adorn most of our walls (e.g., Christmas pix, Lent and Easter pix). Just read carefully what weight each hook is alleged to hold before purchasing so you are not awakened by a crash in the night as something slips down the wall unexpectedly (not that I have any experience with that…)

  2. Lauren

    It looks lovely!

    I say you should just nail randomly without hanging anything so that you get used to the holes. 😉

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