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Pulling a Path

I got an email from the gas company saying they would be coming to look at my gas meter sometime in the next 30 to 60 days. The meter is in my side yard. The whole area is dirt, and would be great for a garden, but I haven’t taken time to decide on plantings or prepare the area, so it is all weeds. And it was a wet winter and spring, so it’s a LOT of weeds.

After a while, my green waste bin was full, so I decided to pull no more weeds. (Actually, it was a good excuse to stop. I was hot and tired.)

I did at least clear a path to the meter. And maybe I’ll get back to clearing it out some time in the next 30 to 60 days.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    I had company and am off my game. I missed two posts!

    That is a lot of work. It makes me tired just looking at it. I am letting my weeds grow into a mini-forest. 😀

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