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Aquarium Adventure

I brought my classroom aquarium to my house for the summer. It was a long and difficult process. Aquariums are heavy!

I got it all set up in my garage, and it was almost full, when it started leaking. Ack! And the leak wasn’t on the side somewhere, or at the top. It was at the very bottom. Dang.

I drained it down to a couple inches of water, and the leak stopped. I’m glad. There are a dozen White Cloud Mountain minnows in there.

Hopefully they’ll be ok like that for a couple of weeks. I’m heading to Nebraska today. Woo hoo!

My flight info:

United #1912
Depart Los Angeles  8:55am
Arrive Denver  12:23pm

United #5285
Depart Denver 1:50pm
Arrive Lincoln  4:20pm

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Yikes! Those poor little fishies – they’ll be ok.

    See you later. 😉

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