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Adventurous Air Travel

My flights were full of adventure yesterday. It all started with my first flight, where a man a few rows ahead of me bore the Dark Mark of Lord Voldemort.

He did not cause any trouble, so I didn’t have to expelliarmus him.

I only had an hour at the Denver airport. Would I have enough time to get my shoes polished?!? Yes! Yes, I did!

I went to my usual location for milk. There’s only one place in the Denver airport that sells milk. I usually get chocolate milk, but this time, I saw the soft pretzels with cheese. Mmm… I got one, and some white milk.

My flight to Lincoln was uneventful. I mean, except for the flight attendant suddenly falling ill before the flight and having to be replaced. It all worked out, and she definitely wasn’t patient zero of a zombie outbreak.

In the evening, we sat at Lloyd and Lauren’s and chatted. It was a relaxing end to an adventurous day.


  1. Lauren

    That lady’s eyes look more sinister than the tattoo…..

    I hope the flight attendant is ok, and I’m glad you are here!

  2. Carol

    In 60 minutes you were able to both get those shoes shined (good job BTW) AND buy the pretzels and milk AND make your connection to NE. I am truly impressed.

    The only time we’ve connected through Denver, our first flight came in at one concourse and a single-digit gate while the connection was at a different concourse and Gate 66. I remember the second gate number because I kept counting them off as I skipped/jumped/ran/hobbled/leapt down the far-too-long-for-someone-my-age path to the connection. (Whew…I got tired again just trying all this!) We did make it…and, of course, then the flight was delayed 2 1/2 hours because (allegedly) they “lost our plane” (I know…kinda big to lose, right?) and had to send to the International building for a replacement. I think the flight number was 191, BTW; check that out when you have time.

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