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Author: Brad (Page 2 of 1318)

Warmer Water

I haven’t used my pool as much as I thought because the water always felt so cold. The weather is warm here during the day, but at night it cools down. I think that was making my pool water cool as well.

I have a cover now. I tried it out this week. The pool was covered for almost three days, and then I unrolled it for a swim. The water was warmer than usual! Nice!

It rolls up on a thing that the former owner left behind. I think it’s a little unsightly, but if it makes the pool water warm, I don’t mind at all!

Roses and Rerun

The roses really grew while I was gone. I love them! They all smell so good, and they are so big now, I don’t have to bend over to smell them.

There are so many flowers. As the petals fall, they’re drying up and piling next to the steps. I feel like I should gather them in a bowl or something…

I did go out yesterday. I wanted to get some litter for Bruno. The pet store had cat grass. I tried it once before, but he wasn’t really into it. I tried it again:

He liked it! He ate a few blades, then came back for more.

Nebraska to California, Day 3

The final leg of the trip was a familiar one. I have done the drive from Las Vegas to Los Angeles a few times, most recently, about a month ago.

Still, it was fun to be coming back home again:

It was even more fun to see Bruno again. He was excited to see me too.

We got the stuff out of the rental car, and got it returned yesterday already. Bruno was curious about all of it. He particularly liked this new chair:

Today I will still get up early, since I have an appointment at the orthodontist. The rest of the day will be for unpacking and reacclimating.

Nebraska to California, Day 2

Yesterday started out rather uneventfully. Western Colorado is big and scrubby and beautiful.

When we crossed into Utah, we decided to stop and see an attraction:

What a cool place! The rock formations all looked like something out of a Road Runner and Coyote cartoon:

We did walk a short trail to some arches. We went to the window arches and the turret arch.

The trail wasn’t very long, so that was good.

But the sun was hot, and that wasn’t good – especially because neither of us had hats. But we made do – Denis with an airplane travel blanket, and me with a t-shirt.

The arches were big and really cool to see up close.

After we got on the road again, we stopped in Green River for lunch. There was a restaurant there that was right on the river. Our table was up against the window. There were so many birds and dragonflies flying around – it was wonderful lunch entertainment.

The restaurant served Navajo fry bread. I don’t think I’d heard of that before, so I ordered some. It was like a donut without any sugar in the batter. But that was ok – it came with honey butter and two kinds of jam. Yum!

Driving through the rest of Utah was fine, until there was a heavy rainstorm, and I was already really tired. But I didn’t crash and kill us both, so it all worked out.

Arizona was super cool.

We were just in a tiny corner of it, but we passed by the back end of the Grand Canyon. The views were amazing!

After only a short while, we were in Nevada:

That leg of the trip was uneventful. I think. I slept for a chunk of it. And then we got to Las Vegas.

Nebraska to California, Day 1

Yesterday was a travel day. After having a diner breakfast in York with some of the guys from Seward, Denis and I headed west. It was a mostly uneventful trip, except for all the times I had to stop for the bathroom. Here is the trip in pictures:

Bathroom stop (I had a lot of coffee at breakfast):

Tea stop (I was getting sleepy):

Bathroom stop (I had drunk some tea):

Gas stop:

Funny Marvel joke in the bathroom:

Rain in Denver:

Going through Glenwood Canyon:

Our hotel in Parachute, Colorado:

The view out our window (We could see the river!):

Everything is austere and beautiful here. As we head west, I think it will get austere-er. I can’t wait to see!

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